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Dallas, TX
Interests: programming, multiplayer, esports
Recent Activity
Using a SSL certificate from letsencrypt with google app engine
I'm reviving some antique code of mine that uses google app engine. The SSL certificate was self-signed and long expired so this time around I tried to use letsencrypt. If you search you'll likely come across this post from 2015 which is mostly correct but has a few gotchas. I'm... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2024 at TTimo's blog
gdb the hard way: using add-symbol-file
gdb's add-symbol-file command is versatile and powerful, but it has some gotchas that will catch the unaware. I haven't found good examples showing how to use it, so I thought I'd write down a few notes: First, you can read the official documentation, to get a general idea: Commands to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2024 at TTimo's blog
GtkRadiant is now available on Flathub
For roughly 25 years I've told folks looking to run GtkRadiant on Linux to download the source and build it themselves. Last week this finally changed, and users now have the option to install an official GtkRadiant release from Flathub. The source code for GtkRadiant is very old and hardly... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2024 at TTimo's blog
CloudGFX - Cloud Linux VMs with GPU acceleration
(should I move to substack .. hurrrgh) I'm releasing a bit of terraform and saltstack code that I've been sitting on for months: I wanted to expand my test lab without dealing with local stuff, and generally be able to spin up a distro (Fedora, Mint, Endeavour etc.) on... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2023 at TTimo's blog
GtkRadiant 1.6.7 package for Windows, with Quake II: Remaster support
You can now download an official package of GtkRadiant 1.6.7 binaries for Windows, with the new support for Quake II: Remastered. Please see my previous post for details. This build comes with a few additional fixes, and a new github repository for the Q2RePack. The entities.def in the pack is... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2023 at TTimo's blog
Quake 2 remastered support in GtkRadiant
Quake 2 remastered was released at QuakeCon over the weekend. I'm very happy that I got to help a bit with id and nightdive getting it shipped. As I mentioned on Mastodon I had a few bits of GtkRadiant support stashed away until the release. I'd like to get an... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2023 at TTimo's blog
Recent interview with Linux Gaming Central
An update on what I've been up to! Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2023 at TTimo's blog
Cheap house monitoring with no vendor lock in
Radiant floor heating is awesome. But if you are going to be away for extended periods of time, you'll want to make sure the pipes don't freeze on you and incur costly damage. When I googled off-the-shelf solutions, I kept finding somewhat expensive products which often came with proprietary apps... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2022 at TTimo's blog
Sourcetrail with Unreal Engine 4 - a quick primer
TL;DR - It sure would be nice if someone contributed support for JSON Compilation Database to Unreal Build Tool. Until then, here's what you can do: Install a patched version of Bear from (note: ttimo branch) From a clean UE4 tree, capture a compilation database: bear -o ./UE4Game.json ./Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Linux/ Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2018 at TTimo's blog
GtkRadiant 1.6.5 builds, new website and gratipay
We have had a steady stream of fixes coming in from contributors over the last few months, to fix a number of memory errors and bugs across the map compiler (q3map2) and the bot routes compiler (bspc). Several of those fixes also improve the stability and correctness of the tools... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2016 at TTimo's blog
Some thoughts about Yubikeys
Hello there! I have several things in the pipeline that will benefit from some public exposure, so I will try to post here more regularly. We'll start easy and talk about Yubico hardware keys today. I bought a Yubikey Edge last year, thinking that it was finally the end of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2016 at TTimo's blog
2014 retrospective
Time for a short retrospective on 2014. Late 2013 I registered an LLC in the state of Texas, and a large part of my time and energy this past year has been dedicated to building up a small consulting and development business. It is a challenging and rewarding adventure, and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2015 at TTimo's blog
GtkRadiant 1.6.4 released: MacOS X, Quake 2 and improved 4-view layout
It's been a slow year for GtkRadiant, but it's time to call it done for 1.6.4! See the full release notes, and check the downloads for your operating system. Thank you to Jay Dolan for his massive involvement in this release, bringing us MacOS X support as well as Quake... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2013 at TTimo's blog
Yes, that's working fine. You have a good eye, it's an important piece of the design.
The SDL input logic needs to happen in the thread that created the window, but the GL context can be accessed from another thread.
There isn't really concurrency, it's just a shared context passed over from the main thread after initialization to the render thread.
es_core: an experimental framework for low latency, high fps multiplayer games. The current state of competitive, skilled FPS games is a topic that comes up often in discussions among my game industry friends, with players and with anyone involved with eSports. There is lament that no FPS title has been able to grow a big enough audience and ...
Harley: yes! I should have mentioned those articles. Carmack's piece in particular is very thorough. es_core puts 'I', 'S' and 'RGV' respectively each in their own threads, input is sampled right at the beginning of RGV.
"Late frame schedule time warp" would be a great addition, or even the "Continuous time warp" (which Abrash refers to as "racing the beam"). Those would need to be worked out at Ogre level though (e.g. inside the 'RGV' part). I've left the renderer as is for now, having plenty to do outside of that.
Kantalol: I didn't know about Theron and libcppa. Those are definitely worth considering. I like that ZeroMQ offers bindings for a lot of languages though, and that it is supported by an active community.
Far as SDL2, I picked what I'm familiar with really. I've used SDL and known the core developers for years. GLFW is a compelling alternative, it would be very easy to switch out.
es_core: an experimental framework for low latency, high fps multiplayer games. The current state of competitive, skilled FPS games is a topic that comes up often in discussions among my game industry friends, with players and with anyone involved with eSports. There is lament that no FPS title has been able to grow a big enough audience and ...
es_core: an experimental framework for low latency, high fps multiplayer games. The current state of competitive, skilled FPS games is a topic that comes up often in discussions among my game industry friends, with players and with anyone involved with eSports. There is lament that no FPS title has been able to grow a big enough audience and pull enough... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2013 at TTimo's blog
We haven't explicitly tested the terrain blending in FrozenSand's q3map2 fork. It's not a feature used much in Urban Terror mapping as far as I can tell, so it may be broken.
You can still compile your map for Urban Terror with the latest 'general release' q3map2 (2.5.17) that is included in GtkRadiant. You won't get the FS enhancements like the lighting model, but you can see if the terrain blending works there at least.
NOTE: It's best to track these things on the project tracker, I've copied this information over:
GtkRadiant 1.6.3 released: Urban Terror support improved, QuakeLive support added
GtkRadiant has been updated to version 1.6.3 The main item for this release is the addition of QuakeLive support. This includes support for the encrypted paks, and png textures support (including on models). bspc.exe (for bot navigation files), and a version of q3map2 with QuakeLive support is pr...
Quake 1 isn't supported in 1.6 at the moment. The games currently supported are Quake III Arena, QuakeLive, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Urban Terror.
Support for games that were in older release lines of the editor (such as Quake 1), would be pretty easy to add back. They are not included yet because no programmer has made a commitment to support them, and we have committed to "A small subset of well supported games" for 1.6 rather than the old approach of putting in as many game packs as we could.
You will find more details about this in the Mission Statement section of the website.
GtkRadiant 1.6.3 released: Urban Terror support improved, QuakeLive support added
GtkRadiant has been updated to version 1.6.3 The main item for this release is the addition of QuakeLive support. This includes support for the encrypted paks, and png textures support (including on models). bspc.exe (for bot navigation files), and a version of q3map2 with QuakeLive support is pr...
GtkRadiant 1.6.3 released: Urban Terror support improved, QuakeLive support added
GtkRadiant has been updated to version 1.6.3 The main item for this release is the addition of QuakeLive support. This includes support for the encrypted paks, and png textures support (including on models). bspc.exe (for bot navigation files), and a version of q3map2 with QuakeLive support is provided as well.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2012 at TTimo's blog
Laundry list posting
I write this as we are closing a family sailing trip in the south pacific (yeah, it's about as awesome as it sounds). Living with very little technology and only a few books is a refreshing experience. It's been a while since I posted here and I have a little... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2012 at TTimo's blog
Compiling GtkRadiant binaries for Windows and Linux using Amazon AWS and RightScale
When we started bringing the GtkRadiant project back from the dead a few months back, I quickly realized that some of the new tricks I had been learning at Trivie could nicely apply to the challenges we faced. A large majority of GtkRadiant users run Windows. I'm mostly on Linux.... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2012 at TTimo's blog
I remember having a look at wings3d. However someone would have to make a good case to me that Erlang is the right tool for the job on this one.
While it's a finely crafted piece of engineering, I don't feel that Erlang is meant as a general purpose language. Haskell has several traits that make it more suitable for general purpose work imo.
Learn you some Erlang
If you ever want to get started with Erlang I highly recommend this site. I found out after most of my basic language training was already done, but still learned a few good tricks. While QuakeLive was mostly Python, Database and Web work, this last year was almost exclusively C/C++. Spending a ...
Gaming is changing fast and I want to stay close to the technologies and media platforms that I think are most relevant. Down the road I would still like to focus on multiplayer and esports, pushing some of my own ideas in that direction.
Onwards !
I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post here. In a way I was waiting for something worth writing about, and that was a long time coming. I resigned from id earlier this week. Folks who know me well were not terribly surprised, but I suppose I need to put that out there officially...
My presence at id wasn't going to make a Linux release more likely to happen. That didn't factor into my decision to leave, but I want to avoid any misconceptions about how much influence I had at the studio.
Onwards !
I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post here. In a way I was waiting for something worth writing about, and that was a long time coming. I resigned from id earlier this week. Folks who know me well were not terribly surprised, but I suppose I need to put that out there officially...
Onwards !
I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post here. In a way I was waiting for something worth writing about, and that was a long time coming. I resigned from id earlier this week. Folks who know me well were not terribly surprised, but I suppose... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2012 at TTimo's blog
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