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They left out "Kisses Hamas behind, throws Israel under the bus."
If Barack Obama ends up being just as bad as Jimmy Carter, we'll have dodged a Mt. Everest-sized bullet.
Amen. Some of have been preparing for this for a year or more.
Barack Obama and the Magnificent Oil Spill (KS)
I don't know if anybody has noticed this, but the President of the United States just loves him some golf, doesn't he? Look, I actually think this video is a bit unfair. I mean, being the pResident is haaaaaarrrrrrrrd. After all, Barry has had a tough winter and spring, what with ramm...
RE: Immaturity, intellectual incapability, and inarticulate sloth.
I think you're mistakenly rejecting the first hypothesis and creating a false dichotomy on top of it. None of the three are even remotely mutually exclusive, and "all of the above" is the more likely answer. :-)
Repost: There are Walls, Then There are Walls (June 13, 2007)
The post below the fold is being re-posted due to criticism I received from Facebook "friends"--old Air Force acquaintances, no less--who claim that I don't support my opinions nor talk about the thinking which went into those opinions. (Actually, they never say anything that polite or with the...
Not just fraud and lies, but some really poor "science" that doesn't rise to the former, but sure shows how worthless that much-vaunted "consensus" is. Especially the inept slapdash misuse and misrepresentation of statistical probabilities in making grossly exaggerated claims of "certainty" for inadequately constructed models.
Fraud Unperpetrated
Listening to the Climategate conference at PJTV. It's surprisingly engaging, even the technical side but I'm a recovering math geek. Aside: does it seem as though all manner of frauds and lies are being exposed? That's a positive though in a scary time. Well, at least I think so.
Here's another worthy effort to help out those poor oppressed illegal aliens in Arizona.
Hit the Road, Jack
The temper tantrum over Arizona's adoption of federal law concerning illegal aliens proceeds apace: The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) said its 2.2 million members will not attend any meetings or conventions in Arizona as long as the new immigration law is in place. I don’t know. ...
No downside there that I can see. The combined effect is of course lessened due to the high co-membership in the groups "illegal aliens" and "SEIU members."
So it's like the SEIU is doing its very best to help Arizona's new law succeed! What's not to love?
Hit the Road, Jack
The temper tantrum over Arizona's adoption of federal law concerning illegal aliens proceeds apace: The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) said its 2.2 million members will not attend any meetings or conventions in Arizona as long as the new immigration law is in place. I don’t know. ...
how many white persons gathered in the same place constitutes a racist mob?
Just one, as long as it supports the narrative....
Bottom Line
Domestic terrorists--including those who hate black people--always want to abridge the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of others. If Tea Party naysayers cannot prove that Tea Party Patriots want to abridge the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of others, then the former are engaging ...
Oh my yes, MTheads. Like that great leading Progressive Neanderthal Democrat Republican Woodrow Wilson, who singlehandedly led the charge by Democrats Republicans to dismantle decades of black progress under Republican Democrat administrations by re-segregating American government.
I tried to find the relevant comments at WaPo but quickly surrendered, repelled by the sewage stench of the many hundreds of comments.
Heh. My Michael Steele post got linked by columnist Kathleen Parker in the WaPo and I got called a racist by name in the comments for--get this--not understanding Confederate history, as demonstrated by the fact that I'm a Republican. You all do know the origin of my surname, don't you? Oh, the ...
"Some" equals "every veteran and service member asked." They just didn't ask ALL of them, so they're playing it safe.
Bring the Aid, Leave the Flag at Home
We interrupt the wonderful postings of my guest hosts to ask the musical question of our Commander-in-Chief....what the &^*%^ is up with this, Mr. President? The many nations helping Haiti recover from the devastating earthquake that struck there have set up their own military compounds and fly ...
I think I left a bottle of good Irish in the cupboard behind the fru-fru liquers.
Oh,'s gonna get a lil' crazy 'round here
It seems Baldi brought back a few souvenirs from CPAC this year: Yep. That's me. The Cuban blogger CPAC souvenir, and Baldi has graciously allowed me to guest blog here at her place, provided I dont make too much of a mess or drink everything in the minibar. So, for the next couple of days I'...
I'd say I'd be happy to as I have before, but time pressures dictate I must not.
Too Busy
Anyone want to be a guest blogger?
Betcha I could put 15 in the 9-ring in the time it took him to land three on the whole sheet.
Heck, betcha I could do that with my .25, which would mean two reloads.
Gun Safety Tips For Post Dispatch Readers
Jake Wagman just got taken for a ride at the Post Dispatch. In what can only be explained as an incredibly clumsy PR stunt by Russ Carnahan's staff, this picture of Russ at the St Louis Police Academy supposedly firing a pistol ("two of which were pretty close — if not right on — the bullseye...
So, what do you think of the PX4? I'm shopping around for a decent CC piece, and I've had mixed experiences with Beretta pistols. Both of my 92's have been wonderful but are hardly CC weapons.
Fausta Wertz sat behind me at CPAC today and I told her the rules regarding legal transport one's firearm onto an airplane. First thing: declare it before TSA finds it! Read the rest here. (Side note: my head is huge!)
Pushed the meet back a day? Now he has even more to redeem!
Make him buy TWO glasses of wine. :-)
Note, January 5, 2010 (UPDATED)
Today is a busy day--one not much different than the foregoing few days. Yes, I have two posts in the mix, one continuing on the topic of the white American fear of being branded racist and another on the fact that America seems to be surrounded by her enemies. Today, however, I'm going to beh...
a fool like Eric Holder gets up on his high-horse and rips us for being too cowardly to have an honest conversation about race
To Eric Holder, "an honest conversation" means agreeing totally with HIM. Remember we're talking about people who live in an upside-down head space, and cannot be swayed by truly honest conversations. The Original Sin of White Privilege makes you guilty of racism, and if you don't agree, you're at best ignorant of the Holy Revealed Truth of your guilt.
Today is a busy day but I'll be posting more later on the fear of being labeled RWW (racist while white). Meanwhile, go read Robert Stacy McCain's take on Gone with the Wind (haha, that guy is fearless). Stacy and I talked on the phone yesterday about the fear and its origin. I'm not taking thi...
Well, I did tell you it was the White Guilt thing... :-)
The reviews of Steele's book are pure gold.
Today is a busy day but I'll be posting more later on the fear of being labeled RWW (racist while white). Meanwhile, go read Robert Stacy McCain's take on Gone with the Wind (haha, that guy is fearless). Stacy and I talked on the phone yesterday about the fear and its origin. I'm not taking thi...
Tell me, Kwongdzu, have you not had similar encounters/experiences with people of ALL races/ethnicities, including your own? I know I sure have. That doesn't make me a racist, unless you want to claim that absolutely everyone who notices cultural differences and doesn't find them all inherently superior to their own culture is automatically a racist. (Note that this too is part of the corrupt core philosophy underlying "critical race theory" in today's universities.)
Here, a dictionary definition of racism:
[1] The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability AND that a particular race is superior to others.
[2] Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
[Emph. in #1 mine]
Question for My Caucasian White Readers (Pedants!)
Why are some of you so afraid of being called (called=labeled in this sense) 'racist' when you know that you aren't? And careful, Dan Collins. You laugh but some Leftist is going to write a "real" proposal, submit some bogus studies and voilà! Your kid is graduating with a B.S.--and I do mean ...
My prediction is that precious few people of pallor will cop to being afraid of being called racist. They'll just sit back and be silent, just as they do now when non-racists are pilloried with such labels. They've been indoctrinated into accepting the Original Sin of White Guilt as unconquerably theirs via White Privilege, that logically fallacious doctrine underlying modern "race and gender studies."
My childhood was spent in east Texas, and I'm old enough to remember the 60's and the tail end of Jim Crow and the rise of forced integration, and REAL racism when it was the ingrained societal norm. BS labels tossed by Parlor Pinks who have no other ammo simply don't impress me any.
Question for My Caucasian White Readers (Pedants!)
Why are some of you so afraid of being called (called=labeled in this sense) 'racist' when you know that you aren't? And careful, Dan Collins. You laugh but some Leftist is going to write a "real" proposal, submit some bogus studies and voilà! Your kid is graduating with a B.S.--and I do mean ...
Which is worse, the Wilson who set blacks back at least half a century just as they were reaching post-war acceptance through their own efforts, or those in government who keep the poor dependent in perpetuity?
Tough call. Both suck.
Why Black Americans Think That the Federal Government is Our Friend
While hanging out yesterday at Ace's yesterday as he was flogging racists, I happened to mention that many if not most black Americans view the federal government as beneficial and friendly. Some other commenters were surprised and I was surprised at their surprise, because it isn't difficult t...
I've always taken being called "Racist!" by the far left as an accolade. It means they have no counter-argument and have to resort to mindless name-calling.
Say Goodbye
Racist!!! Racist!!! Racist!!! Racist!!! Racist!!! Racist!!! Racist!!! Racist!!! And… Racist!!! What the flock is up with the Right side of the Blogosphere? LGF is gone. Charles Johnson is gone. Face it. He was never ours. How about we let him take his delusions and slanders and paranoias and ...
I tell my kids over and over that they should pay attention to the history of technology, as it defines civilization. In short, real civilization depends on PLUMBING. Indoor climate control and basic medical care are nice, but plumbing is the basic requirement.
Living Water
Sometimes I feel a little bad about pointing out flaws in the USA all the time, even though that's the nature of a blog composed of American political topics. So it is a personal pledge--and a prayer--that I must remember to have gratitude for the many blessings which God has given to me. And ...
To elucidate, the law does not permit us to deport KSM to any country that might conceivably torture him, execute him, or violate his UN human rights, which list includes Afghanistan and Pakistan.
A symptom of stupidity? In a meeting with the press in China, President Obama said that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be "convicted" and had "the death penalty applied to him" . . . and then said he wasn't "pre-judging" the case. He made the second statement after it was pointed out to him — by ...
Can't release 'em in this country, but by treaty can't ship them off to any other country either.
A symptom of stupidity? In a meeting with the press in China, President Obama said that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be "convicted" and had "the death penalty applied to him" . . . and then said he wasn't "pre-judging" the case. He made the second statement after it was pointed out to him — by ...
No no, hindmost, Sanity Inspector said WISE counsel. Not Kerry and Biden.
Inciting Attack
This is what he has planned for all those who love and protect America and, ultimately, for America itself: failure… KABUL – Eight American troops were killed in two separate bomb attacks Tuesday in southern Afghanistan, making October the deadliest month of the war for U.S. forces since the 20...
He may be listening to it. That doesn't mean he will follow it.
Inciting Attack
This is what he has planned for all those who love and protect America and, ultimately, for America itself: failure… KABUL – Eight American troops were killed in two separate bomb attacks Tuesday in southern Afghanistan, making October the deadliest month of the war for U.S. forces since the 20...
Another Alinksyite group tied at the umbilical to ACORN....what a shock.
The more exposure this stuff gets, the better.
"Hear Our Cry, Obama"
Have you every read about idolatry in the Bible? If you have, you should get a kick...or something...out of this. Is there a precedent for Americans reacting to a President of the United States in this manner? Or have we just reached it? I think I need a new category entitled "Holy Crap!" I...
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