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Mar 15, 2010
Thanks for your feedback. Indeed we have been responding directly for to some feedback that was user specific. Responses to the latest comments which are relevant to all members appear below.
Regarding related text for uploaded photos and videos. The titles and descriptions now appear below the item on the media page. In addition the counts for how many time an individual photo or video has been viewed is displayed to the right of the item.
To view an item full size just click the download link at the bottom of the media page. For guests this only works if the owner has enabled download of original media.
Regarding the topics of multi-select and sorting media, we cannot comment specifically about when we will bring those features back, but they are high on our list. We are working to continue to evolve the service.
Lastly, now that our redesign has been available for a month we are directing feedback and help to our new forums at:
Please continue to post your comments and ask questions there.
The Ovi Share Team
Hotfix Released - Slideshow Embeds Reenabled
Hello Members, We have just released our hotfix which re-enables existing slideshows embedded in your web sites. All older photos have been reconverted to our new quality and sizes, and rotation issues are resolved. In addition, the upload mulfiple files dialog problem in Firefox has been fixed....
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