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kimberly arwood
Recent Activity
Well, it looks like everyone may be in the mood for pickling. I have carried down our family traditions here in the appalachian mountains. My mother is one of 18 siblings, most have past on but not without passing down their gardening, canning, and pickling by the zodiac signs, and moon phases. I have been at it for 15years myself. Pickle when the signs are in the head and heart. Never below the waste and most definately not in the feet or bowel. I pickle a "three in one" cabbage, corn, and beans layered in quart jars. Fermentation happens in the jars, when done you tighten the lids and water bath process. Love your site!!!
Canning By The Zodiac Signs
We've already talked about how the Zodiac Signs dictate the time to plant your garden-but what about telling you when to can all that garden goodness? Granny only worries about the signs being right-if she's making Kraut or fermented pickles (pickled beans and corn). The same for The Deer Hunt...
kimberly arwood is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 30, 2010
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