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Recent Activity
Echoing what everyone else has said: So sorry for you and your family, but in whatever small way it matters I'm glad you were able to see him in Florida, and that he was not in great pain, and that he left behind such a vibrant reflection of his presence in your life in the vivid colors of the painting on your living room wall.
I have to share with you the sad news that my dad passed away on Monday at the age of 86. You may recall that my parents had sold their Cape condo and were moving down to Florida to become year-rounders. They left on October 18; Andy drove them to the airport and reported that Dad seemed perfec...
Thanks. Also... awkwardly... that was a draft. But. Now republished as a finalized thing.
Sorry. This is why I shouldn't be allowed out in public.
It should not have come as a surprise that after all those years of trembling in the wind a brittle leaf, fearing the moment when all that is and was and will be held and treasured and unleashed in torrents of warm and fluid light, enough to fill this sad world like sunshine made sweeter by pass...
Thank you for not going with some variant on "French Kisses" for your nom du internets.
Bracing for the big thaw
This is my first post since Halloween, and a lot's happened since: my parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary; our Movember team raised another $15K; the Christmas season came and went, and I barely noticed it (more about that later); I appeared on Michigan Public Radio to talk about ...
Reading is so 2008. I'm just going to be a vlogger from now on and post videos of you. It's much more efficient.
So... that was nice
Last week in New Orleans, a large group of really smart and talented people got together for the Dad 2.0 Summit — and from what I've gathered, a good time was had by all. While I was unable to take part in the festivities, Doug French - gentleman, scholar, PawSox fan and Grand Poobah of all thin...
Jeeeeezus, man. DON'T DO THAT AGAIN.
Throughout much of my writing life, readers have noticed that I like burying the lede. I can't help it. I like the idea of a build-up and reveal. Wow 'em in the end, and you'll have a hit. That's not going to happen this time around, though. This lede is coming at ya, right between the ribs: La...
That was heartbreakingly lovely.
Your daughter is quite a writer.
"I dreamed a dream in time gone by"
The following Tumblr post is reprinted with my daughter, Ikuni's, permission. It is a sad but beautiful tribute to her father. We still miss him so. "I dreamed a dream in time gone by...when hope was high and life worth living." So, I just watched a family video from 2002 because…I just neede...
Having also read all of the Reacher books... Andy's reservation is the EXACT reason why my wife and I have been unable to even consider seeing the film.
Movies and Muffins
Happy New Year to everyone out there in Verbatim-Land! I am thankful (and, even after all these years, still frankly surprised) every time someone stops by here, and I especially cherish the comments, whether in the Comments section below, via email, or on Facebook/Twitter. Here's to peace and h...
Turns out the judges dig me in ruffly pink chiffon. Who knew?
Proving yet again that I'm not nearly cool enough to act too cool to care
In what can only be described as an egregious error in judgment, the good people at Babble have once again - inexplicably - decided to include me among far more deserving writers in their annual "Top 50 Dad Blogs" thing. They also named my comrades-in-DadCentric as the #1 group dad blog, and #4 ...
Thank you, sir!
Proving yet again that I'm not nearly cool enough to act too cool to care
In what can only be described as an egregious error in judgment, the good people at Babble have once again - inexplicably - decided to include me among far more deserving writers in their annual "Top 50 Dad Blogs" thing. They also named my comrades-in-DadCentric as the #1 group dad blog, and #4 ...
Thanks for the kind words!
Are These Your Favourite Dad Blogs?, the parenting website that many bloggers love to hate (but also secretly want to appear on their Top 50 lists), has released their Top 50 Dad Blogs. (With run on sentences like that, I will never appear on another list.) The list is not as controversial as last year, but I'm sure it ...
The stuffed blue lobster is far more charismatic - and is a far better photo subject - than me. It's a no-brainer.
Proving yet again that I'm not nearly cool enough to act too cool to care
In what can only be described as an egregious error in judgment, the good people at Babble have once again - inexplicably - decided to include me among far more deserving writers in their annual "Top 50 Dad Blogs" thing. They also named my comrades-in-DadCentric as the #1 group dad blog, and #4 ...
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