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Two Kitties
Artist, consultant, blogger.
Recent Activity
The funny thing is? Im not sure she would. Though my best memories of her are from the brief time she was at home - trimming my bangs; grilled cheese and tomato soup before my afternoon Kindergarten class. I miss that version of her.
My mother was a sociology professor who believed she needed to work 14 hour days, seven days a week. Her kids came last. She never took vacation and forced herself to live on half of everything she earned. She was promoted, widely published, but had few friends and was clinically depressed for m...
Two Kitties is now following Magdalena Mena
Sep 25, 2011
Thanks for telling me about the feed - I had no idea it wasnt working. Ill go check it out.
As Seen on Amherst Street.
This front porch was one of the first special things I stumbled on when I moved to Winchester, Virginia. It made me think that there were interesting people here, people like me. I drive by it every chance I get. Eyeglasses, tiny mirrors, string.
Maybe its the angle of the camera...
Weekly Kiki.
I have so much fabric, I've had to resort to patchwork quilting to try and cut down the hoard. I have helpers.
Thats, like, the best comment Ive ever received. I really appreciate it.
Mr. Rogers and Koko the Gorilla.
ONCE UPON A TIME, a long time ago, a man took off his jacket and put on a sweater. Then he took off his shoes and put on a pair of sneakers. His name was Fred Rogers. He was starting a television program, aimed at children, called Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. He had been on television before,...
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