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Tyler Fredrickson
Los Angeles
Recent Activity
Words can not express how much I adore this column.
Friday Frodos (9/17 Edition)
Tim Simmons writes the webcomic, Spy6teen. He also maintains the Comic Book Script Archive. You can find him o...
Super Bowl ad, methinks?
Brett Favre A Lock For 2020 MVP???
Please god no. I can not take 10 more years of this.....
No doubt Colby is hot and definitely a throwback. I can see why Burnett & Co. like him. But when you think of Colby what comes to mind? Anything?
What about someone like Susan Hawk or Elizabeth Hasselbeck or Ethan Zohn or Yul Kwon or Jenna Morasca or RUDY! Yeah, I'm thinking a perfect world but this is supposed to be the Survivor to end all Survivors!!!
(And I take back what I said earlier about Stephanie - she was pretty amazing by outlasting her entire tribe.)
No Fairplay or Hatch. :( And people like Stephanie, Candice, and Amanda feel pointless to me. And doesn't everyone seem to be from the past three or four seasons? Why not bring back some vintage-years people and rock our faces off, Probst?!?!?!?Either way, I'll be tuned in like a boss:
Replica BACK TO THE FUTURE DeLorean For Sale on eBay
The most screen-accurate replica I've seen of the time machine from Back to the Future is up for auction on eBay with a starting bid of $59,000 or you can buy it now for $89.000. This is the most screen accurate Back to the Future Delorean Time Machine replica to ever appear on eBay. It ...
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Posted Dec 18, 2009 at Tyler Fredrickson's blog
Tyler Fredrickson is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 18, 2009
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