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The TypePad Product Team
San Francisco, New York, Paris, Tokyo
Interests: Making TypePad bloggers successful
Recent Activity
Hi Kristine, your TypeLists are located under the "Library" drop down menu that's in the top green navigation bar.
1 reply
Thanks for the feedback. Regarding the cursor slowness, you might want to try the "Light Editor" (there's a link to it at the bottom of the compose editor. It offers the most widely used functionality of Compose and works faster than the full editor.
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Thanks for your feedback David. Pages are located under the Posts tab - click the Posts tab and you'll see a link to Pages in the left navigation bar. Let us know if this still doesn't feel like an intuitive place after a while.
1 reply
Thanks for the feedback Tom. We understand it takes time to get used to a new interface, that's why we're letting everyone switch back and forth between the two version. Feel free to take advantage of this as much as you'd like. We'll look into the issue with the expiration date, that would be a bug. - Vero
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The referrers are actually available, but what we're learning from everyone's feedback is that they're not visible enough. To see your referrers, you need to click the link "Recent" in the Top Referrers module. We're working on a better placement. - Vero
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Thanks everyone for your feedback. We do have a few known issues with the Stats and have posted the details here:
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The TypePad Product Team is now following Rahul Ganjoo
May 7, 2009
The TypePad Product Team is now following Nick
May 7, 2009
The TypePad Product Team is now following Walt Grayson
May 7, 2009
The TypePad Product Team is now following Veronique
May 7, 2009
The TypePad Product Team is now following Jim Ramsey
May 7, 2009
The TypePad Product Team is now following Alex Deve
May 7, 2009
The TypePad Product Team is now following .tiff
May 7, 2009
The TypePad Product Team is now following Ginevra
May 7, 2009
To further clarify, "hidden" means that no comments or comment form show up on the post. That's the equivalent of "none". - Vero
1 reply
The Search Posts function is there. Go to the Posts tab, then in the light blue header look for this: "Filter or search". When you click the Search link it brings up the search box. We've done rounds of usability testing for the site, but there's nothing better than having our very own Beta group use the site. So let me know if this is not an intuitive placement for the Search function. - Vero
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Thanks for trying it out!
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