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Mark H
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Mar 15, 2010
Dear Palaverer, I couldnt agree more on the subject of teaching children critical thinking skills. And I have to say, I was flustered, annoyed and laughing at myself the first time I was challenged by a youngster whose skills I fostered. I was happy and extremely frustrated all at once. A delightfully uncomfortable state. And when youre a teacher, I am sure you will encounter it many times. Thanks for your comment. Best, aqjb
Im was lucky — my Congressman used to be Nadler. Then I moved and now it is Rangel, who has become a face for corruption in the party. But I happily contribute to Jerry, and to Grayson, et al.
Hi Piet! A couple of years back I went with a friend of mine to Montreal, where there is a big rivalry between two bagel bakeries. I had a strong preference for one — but I found myself wondering about how the difference in the water in Montreal affected the taste, which was clearly different from what I knew in NYC.
Stan: the '70s was about the last time H&H bagels were any good. So you're right there. Of course, buying a bagel on the corner of 80th street and Broadway at 3AM in the '70s was also taking your life into your hands. But the bagels were good.
Hi Suzanne, Thank you for your comments. I have a feeling that the Japanese pottery you mean is Bizen-yaki, which is unglazed - the pots are stacked on dried rice sheaves, which on occasion, create a glaze effect that isn't supposed to be intentional. And the "accidental" imperfections that result are considered to be of great beauty. And thank you for your link to the Stephen Fry. It was very poignant and hit me as true personally, since along with all the signatures with wishes I had in my high school yearbook, I wrote one to myself. As a teen with the not uncommon teen angst and low self esteem issues, I encouraged myself to take heart from all the other things people had written, and to believe them instead of feeling like an impostor. Unlike Fry, I hadn't thought of writing back! I look forward to more comments and other interesting links from you. Best, Mark aka anotherqueerjubu