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Columbus, Ohio
Freelance writer/editor, mom, friend to technology, learner, armchair space traveler.
Interests: music, spirituality, astronomy, art, parenting, writing, education, social responsibility
Recent Activity
Fear of the mullet
I’ve been taking my son to one of those haircutting places where you sit in a mini-airplane or fire truck and stay pleasantly distracted by mind-numbing cartoons ever since he was two. After the first haircut, he never had big tears or major discomfort. He loves it when they wash his hair, takes direction well and only moderately winces when they brush out the tangles. What we do have trouble with, however, is the hairdresser’s universal fear of the mullet. My son prefers that his hair stay on the long side, even when it prompts his friends to say things... Continue reading
Posted May 28, 2010 at Ohio Moms Blog
Tracy is now following Bitchin' Amy
May 1, 2010
Tracy is now following Hilary Winfield
Apr 1, 2010
Tracy added a link at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 30, 2010
Tracy is now following MamaPop
Mar 24, 2010
Tracy is now following Rita Arens
Mar 24, 2010
Tracy is now following Momo Fali
Mar 24, 2010
Tracy is now following Glennia
Mar 24, 2010
Tracy is now following PunditMom
Mar 24, 2010
Tracy is now following Anastacia
Mar 24, 2010
As a WAHM (often as a freelance journalist), I find virtually nothing that's reflective of the issues and complications of this kind of work/personal life anywhere but blogs.
Honey, Where Are All The Working Moms? (with a nod to The New York Times)
Work Wednesday If you've had your fill of the firestorm set off by Sunday's New York Times style piece, Honey Don't Bother Mommy, I'm Too Busy Building My Brand, don't worry. Read on. This is not another tirade against what many "mommy bloggers" have termed the Times' snarky, sexist, and patr...
I love it! In these young years, I've tried really hard to keep no out of my vocabulary - I say lots of "you can't x,y,z... but you CAN do this." The more independent he gets, though, the less I imagine my alternatives or going to be satisfactory. I'm going to start adopting yes.
Ice Cream for Dinner? Yes!
I have a new mantra, "Just say yes!" And it is working out wonderfully! When my kids were young I remember hearing, "pick your battles" more than once. In those early years with little kids I did whatever I needed to do to get through the day (or night). So picking my battles made so much s...
Tracy added a favorite at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 10, 2010
Tracy is now following kdiddy
Mar 10, 2010
Tracy is now following Karen Sugarpants
Mar 10, 2010
Tracy is now following schmutzie
Mar 10, 2010
Tracy is now following Adam P. Knave
Mar 10, 2010
Tracy added a link at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Mar 10, 2010
Zac Efron's bangs are defying gravity differently, at least.
2010 Academy Awards Open Thread
ARE YOU READY FOR SOME OSCAAAAAAARS? Grab a drink and some delicious snack food-type items, and join us for a night of glitz, glamour an relentless snarkery RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, in comments!
Sweetney - you could drink whenever someone makes a James Cameron vs. Kathryn Bigelow joke/reference, etc.
2010 Academy Awards Open Thread
ARE YOU READY FOR SOME OSCAAAAAAARS? Grab a drink and some delicious snack food-type items, and join us for a night of glitz, glamour an relentless snarkery RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, in comments!
That's exactly what spring feels like.
Communist Roll'd
So true. But I fear the meat lump observation quotient might reduce me to a puddle of amino acid.
Physiques inspire artists at the Arnold | The Columbus Dispatch
Tracy is now following Mollie Hannon
Mar 7, 2010
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