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Reyna Lily Reyes
Interests: Paris Hilton<3
Recent Activity
Reyna Lily Reyes added a photo at Paris Hilton
@ParisHilton thank u so much for making me such a happy girl! It means a lot to me thrs no way I can pay back all the happiness u brought to my life I love u frm the bottom of my heart!You are so genuine, you have the most huge kind heart and by far the only celebrity thts grounded and soo down to earth. you are the best dont ever change! words cant describe how i love you soooo much! thank you Paris really from the bottom of my heart i thank you for making me a happy girl. Love you, -Reyna<3.
Mar 1, 2011
Reyna Lily Reyes is now following Paris Hilton
Feb 28, 2011
Reyna Lily Reyes is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 28, 2011