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Louise Triance
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Andy Well, my first thought is that "video interviewing" can't exactly exist. An interview is a two way process and video can only be one way (at a time). However, video conferencing can/does exist and so do video "screening". I'm sure I've written on my own blog about how I think video conferencing is a great way to run interviews for geographically diverse individuals/organisations. I think that things like skype/twitter integration will make this more common and easier to manage. In terms of video screening I'm less sure of how that'll pan out. What are you envisioning? Will jobseekers have to go through a series of questions, by video, to apply for a job? Louise
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Louise Triance is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Andy I agree, it's very different! You/they use the term "recruitment platform". Aren't they more or less a CV Database? Do they do any actual screening or matching for their 7%? I just ask because I think that if this is the case (that they are a CV Database) it's also an interesting model to charge corporates a % of salary rather than an annual fee (or per CV fee) for access to CVs. Regards Louise
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