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Laetitia, Thank you for writing here. I have tried to not think about the pain too much, since her smile still shines so bright. But I do have dark moments, knowing that we will never be able to share like we used to. Thank goodness for memories, and for souls that remain, despite the body and mind giving way… My parents traveled all over the world, memories lost to her now, but I know she loved it when she was there! kisses, Ulla
1 reply
This is lovely Midori. What a wonderful place of solace and nature to have as a reminder of your mother! Loving the rainbow as well… Rooted in the earth, unfurling in green leaves, and shimmering in the sky. - pure poetry!
Oh yes, I'm familiar with this 'bundle of problems' too. Sometimes its just easier to work on others problems then your own...
I agree, the typewriter suits you. Did you find the words that go with the hedgehogs? I'm not super familiar with Alice, but this is a scene I know I've never heard of...
Thank you so much Laetitia! That means so much to me coming from you. In our family perfection is referred to as 'the P word', in other words, best not to say it… kisses to you.
1 reply
Lana, I blush at your words, you humble me, thank you. Juggling life can be challenging, but as I tell my dad, "Its what I do." Someone on facebook alluded to the fact that although the body and mind may slowly disappear, the soul remains. Thats how I see my mother. She always had and still has a big heart! And you do too my dear friend! Love, kisses, and missing you too… xoxox Ulla
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It's been six years now, since my Mother was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. Within months Dad quickly became full-time caregiver, and I took on the role of relief caregiver, 3 days a week, allowing my Father a chance to... Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2015 at ULLABENULLA
I am often startled when friends call me 'prolific'. Lately I have been feeling deep in a hole of artistic drought with little water to feed me. So where do these observations come from? Recently a very artistic friend of... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2015 at ULLABENULLA
Ulla is now following Carondunn
Jun 8, 2015
Ulla is now following French la Vie
Jun 8, 2015
Ulla is now following Laetitia
Jun 8, 2015
Always so much to see here! Your cakes look so delicious!!! I'm in love with those fuzzy little goats in their finest party attire! Please grant me permission to blog about you on my blog some day soon! xoxox Ulla
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Laetitia, its so wonderful to hear from you! Your words ring true - beauty in maturity... You have always been an inspiration to me. I am humbled to let you see the more fragile sides of my life. I hope all is well with you and your gorgeous artwork!
1 reply
* Slow down, smell the flowers, look at everything when you walk. * The closer you get to home, the slower you walk, the more you will notice. * Be humble, she picks up our poop, we can smell everyone... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2015 at ULLABENULLA
I am totally addicted to Moleskine Japanese Accordion Fold-Out Albums! Currently I have four in progress. Each one is a different theme. This one is dedicated to dogs, and their crazy antics. For me its a little like collecting, you... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2015 at ULLABENULLA
I think it could easily be the two of you at Angels Camp! Romance never dies... xoxox
Toggle Commented Jun 4, 2015 on Brocante Man aka French Husband at French la Vie
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When you look into the glass eyes of antique Neapolitan figures, you can almost feel their tears. In no way do I claim to look like a madonna these days, more like a wailling banshee... My emotions are so off... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2015 at ULLABENULLA
Its true, you do feel taken away... being apart of the show - can almost hear the music, and your mother laughing... So often slides seem so static to me. And I totally agree with Gypsy that seeing the drawings with the slides adds so much more personal detailed information! Gives a little peek into what she was thinking at that very moment... lovely.
These are wonderful Midori! Did she cut them into the little shapes too? I can clearly see where your love of folklore, fantasy and parade come from!
In my state of mind, I read 'tear'ing up the Canals. What a wonderful article and so romantic in setting and determination. Perhaps there were a few tears shed as well in those 'in between years' but how wonderful that she could participate again! One never hears about the women who rowed those famous waters - its about time! After all, I"m guessing that all the male rowers had strong women, who could cook, yell and cheer them on.! Thank you for your comment today, it means the world to me... love...
Midori, I cried when I read this. Someone understands! It can be so lonely at times... I love that you think of this time as a gestation, like a rare seed, looking for water on dry land. The drought (physical and emotional) does make it difficult to trust, and to keep going at times. But knowing that we travel on similar paths, gives me courage and hope, that I too will find that which is being looked for. Like all good stories, nothing good comes easy - even in real life. It gladdens my heart to gold that we can journey together!!! Love to you...
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Shapeshifting, changing colors, moving media around, aiming for a different look. I miss blogging and want to be more faithful, find my community again... I turn 55 this year. A family year! I am a daughter taking care of my... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2015 at ULLABENULLA
Roz, this is such a sweet post! I love this Cam, thank you for sharing. I agree, its amazing how we can become hooked on a creature miles away - thanks to technology - and yet what an incredible opportunity to learn, study and draw. Lets hope that since someone put the time and energy into technologically watching this little creature, that they also thought about possible dooms day scenarios... I've been hooked on your blog and posts since Sketchbook Skool! Bravo!!!
Ohhh, that was so fun! Amazing how the three of them could finish such a cohesive artwork! thank you for sharing!!!
At it again Lisa! Miss seeing your sunny smile. Can I attempt this despite being such a lose blogger? xoxox Ulla
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