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Uncommon Julia
Recent Activity
Heh! Nothin. For better or worse, that's my expression when I smile for a picture. That squirrely eyebrow is my signature look.
Belly Pics!
I'm attempting this update from my phone, since that's where most of my belly pictures now reside, and since I figured that its the sort of technological advancement I should endeavor, given my career and lifestyle. Still, it may go awry... Let's see, shall we? This was taken around 18 weeks,...
Well, I won't claim I don't like the weight loss I always have during the first half of pregnancy. But I will say that having food (I love food!) suddenly repulse you and taste way too literally like dog sh1t is not nearly as fun as it sounds (which is sayin' somethin'). Now everyone can just remember this moment as I proceed into the second half where people marvel at the woman who is clearly carrying triplets, 'cause "that can't be just one baby!"
Belly Pics!
I'm attempting this update from my phone, since that's where most of my belly pictures now reside, and since I figured that its the sort of technological advancement I should endeavor, given my career and lifestyle. Still, it may go awry... Let's see, shall we? This was taken around 18 weeks,...
Well, crap. You're right. It doesn't. I re-read and shored up my knowledge, and it's a 50/50 chance for the X-linked recessive to be inherited by either boys or girls. Any boy who did inherit it would be lethally affected; any girl would be a carrier, and not display the traits of the disease. But it's totally possible to have both unaffected girls and boys. (Sigh.)
It's a beautiful, HEALTHY baby... (UPDATED)
BOY! It's a boy! !!!!! He's super active and gorgeous and has perfect hands and feet, and was flexing and reaching and kicking.... (ahhhhhhh!) The doctor was great. I asked that she do some additional scanning herself because I'm sure their techs are wonderful, but she's the expert. She discussed...
Two words: Dr. Luz.
Email me and I'll put you in touch. She does phone consultations.
My 2 cents: It is both what came before AND your husband. If I had to guess.
Often, the answer is, "slow down!"
As predicted, things have been hectic since my last posts. School started; the back-to-school season wreaked havoc on my work schedule (since I work in the education industry, it's the "make hay" season of our calendar year); we began the process of pulling together paperwork for the house (who...
Jenny, you rock. I will happily pass along your well-reasoned research.
Now is the time for all good google M.D.s to come to the aid of their brethren
Last night, I learned that a good friend of mine (my next-door neighbor from childhood) is going through a big scare. She's 27 weeks pregnant and learned that one of her baby girl's ventricles is measuring a little large, and the other, a little small. When I first heard there was an issue, I ...
My Fella
My grandma used to always use the term "fella". "Got a new fella? Is he tall, dark, and handsome?" Man, I really miss her sometimes. Especially since I know she would have instantly loved my new Beau. I'm at a loss to try and summarize this relationship for you, here, in this fast-forward, fi...
Totally gonna talk about the girls. Just taking my time getting back into the swing of things is all. Don't you worry!
My Fella
My grandma used to always use the term "fella". "Got a new fella? Is he tall, dark, and handsome?" Man, I really miss her sometimes. Especially since I know she would have instantly loved my new Beau. I'm at a loss to try and summarize this relationship for you, here, in this fast-forward, fi...
Well, darn. I'm already well-versed in the art of peeing right after and drinking lots of water. I do think I'll start taking the AZO cranberry tablets, though, on a preventative basis. The Beau and I have been dating for 7 months now, so there's no "new" increase in action. Perhaps I just need to get past this rash of incidences and keep building back up my immune system.
Momentum Building - Wanna hear about my kidneys?
In an effort not to go flat after getting up the nerve for a big, public relaunch into blogging, I'm going to post something short and un-earth-shattering. In January of last year - luckily, when the girls were out of town with my parents - I had my first bout of kidney stones. I had to go to t...
Couple of reasons:
1. My girls have always been fairly adventurous eaters.
2. I've never made them their "own" meals. From the time they started table food, it was a little of whatever I was having. Chipotle Burritos, sushi, salsa - all before the age of one.
3. When they started going to daycare and heard from other kids that certain foods might not be "cool", I stuck to my guns and told them their friends weren't cool enough to recognize awesome food.
4. I have no time for options. If you're hungry, eat. If not, fine. But I don't give snacks or dessert to anyone who didn't finish dinner.
Single Mom Cooking - a recipe in photos
'Cause that's all I've got time for these days. Also, any recipe you can successfully convey in pictures is awesome and helpful to those short on time. With me so far? Good. Right. Okay, go on. That's tilapia. Mine was purchased in individually frozen fillets from Target. But if you wa...
Ha! I paint my own nails. At night. After the girls are in bed. And I use a quick-dry top coat so I don't have to sacrifice an hour of my time. It's a nice chance once a week or so to get some time to myself.
Single Mom Cooking - a recipe in photos
'Cause that's all I've got time for these days. Also, any recipe you can successfully convey in pictures is awesome and helpful to those short on time. With me so far? Good. Right. Okay, go on. That's tilapia. Mine was purchased in individually frozen fillets from Target. But if you wa...
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