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Underground Art School
Recent Activity
What is Art School?
What art means changes as our knowledge of art, it's history, it's operation, and our own life perspectives change. So really the question is how do you feel about art right now? Side note: what should art do? I'm pretty certain that art schools have no flipping clue what art is right now. Actually, many art schools have no flipping clue what art school in general is (meaning what it's meant to do). Teach a skill or prepare students for a career or both or neither? Finding an answer means work and work means change. Who wants do that? I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2011 at Underground Art School
STUDENT // TEACHER: Lauren Hudson
Lauren Hudson is a Fine Art sculpture student in her third year at Bath School of Art + Design (UK). Her work focus' around collections. I like how Lauren shows us that discarded objects (which some might call crap) is actually very beautiful depending upon how it is visually organized. Another reason I wanted to share her work: sculpture and installation artists need to also be stellar photographers (well, I guess anyone who makes something larger than a scanner bed). For those who can't make it to the gallery, it's nice to see the full visual effect with different angles... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2011 at Underground Art School
INSPIRATION: Milton Glaser: To Inform + Delight
Milton Glaser is...the ultimate graphic designer. Amazing. Genius. Icon. Whatever label he is (or isn't) this documentary about his work is incredibly inspirational, especially if you need a creative pick-me-up (regardless if you are a graphic designer or student). Glaser said something that stuck with me: professors are not only teaching a skill but a way of life. Truth. We need more diversity in the university! Especially right now. We need professors that are creative, inspirational, fearless, and open-minded to teach us how to create and thrive in this fast paced, visual, GLOBAL community. Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2011 at Underground Art School
STUDENT // TEACHER: Carly Llewellyn
LOOOOOVING the print work of Carly Llewellyn who is studying for her Master of Arts in Printmaking at the University of Wales. Inspired by the art of tea drinking and Alice in Wonderland themes, most of her artwork seems to be monoprints using everyday objects, which gives the object an ephemeral ghostly feel. Carly has also started using tea as an ink in her prints which I never thought to use for printmaking, but is the perfect medium when you think about it, considering her theme. Continue reading
Posted Mar 11, 2011 at Underground Art School
What if it was required for a professor to bring in a current project into class to be critiqued by their students? And I'm not just talking about throwing a little show 'n' tell for the kids, I'm talking about a genuine conversation on the professors process of creation and analysis of their technique + concept, you know, to keep the balance of ego + education of both student + professor in check? Discuss... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at Underground Art School
STUDENT // TEACHER: Morgan Blair
Showing just a sampling of the variety of work from Brooklyn based RISD alum Morgan Blair, most of it done in acrylic or gouache. You know how people are always like "use what you know blah blah blah"? Well, an example of this: on Morgan's site she writes "I grew up on Legos, Tetris, tape dubbing and Magic Eye. Lesson served. Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2011 at Underground Art School
Let Go, Move On
LET GO OF YOUR EDUCATION FIRST BEFORE IT HOLDS YOU BACK Hey. So, we're back. I personally needed a break to evaluate what UAS means to me, and how it can help you. See, I began UAS because I was a confused, exhausted graduate with a piece of paper that to me stood for internal turmoil rather than pride, self worth, accomplishment, and clarity of art and design as business (and pleasure). Basically, pure rage fueled this positive thing I have going on here. In order to post here and share ideas, I need to return to that dark place... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2011 at Underground Art School
On Vacation Until March 1st
WE'RE ON AN INTERNET VACATION UNTIL MARCH 1ST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes, can't believe I'm saying this, I need to stay offline. Too many projects + too many websites = death to my creativity. See you all in March! Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2011 at Underground Art School
It's funny because it's true. Agree? Disagree? Anyway, their names are Mars Argo + Titanic Sinclair (I mean you should at least click one of the following links just for that alone) and they make music together and a lot of awesomely weird youtube videos. Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2011 at Underground Art School
APPLIED ARTS: Web(in)site
I found an old New York Times Magazine article by Virginia Heffernan (that's right, I'm nerdy). The article was about Web sites and companies who use them for damage control, BUT, the last paragraph surprisingly and awesomely can be taken as great advice for artists: "Web sites should update or shut down; the ones that hang around collecting cobwebs have an almost frightening, hollow-eyed quality. If your plans change, you should note the revision publicly, and manifest confidence online." Keep your sites updated people! If you're 2-3 years out of school and actively pursuing a creative career, be careful what... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2011 at Underground Art School
STUDENT // TEACHER: Mia Christopher
Mia Christopher is a multi-disciplinary artist in San Francisco. She is currently attending the California College of the Arts for drawing and painting. The theme of community seems to be a constant in her artwork and it is a great reminder for students and professionals: we can't create alone because we need an audience and inspiration from others, we don't learn alone, and we can't build a career by ourselves. Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2011 at Underground Art School
TIPPING POINTS: Some Professors are just A-Holes
SOME PROFESSORS ARE ASSHOLES BECAUSE THEY ARE CONFUSED + FEARFUL ABOUT THEIR OWN ART + CAREERS. SO GO EASY ON THE POOR THINGS. They are human beings who are learning and making mistakes just like you + me. Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2011 at Underground Art School
STUDENT // TEACHER: Karien Deroo
"The theme in my art is the human figure in all his being. I'm searching for the soul of the human being, with all his feelings, thoughts and emotions through my feelings, thoughts and emotions. So, I am also in search of my very own soul." Belgian painter Kerian Deroo? YES PLEASE! Starting her career as an illustrator and graphic designer, 3 years ago Karien decided to quit that and start painting and we thank her for this bold move. Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2011 at Underground Art School
I love winter break. It's too short to really accomplish anything huge (if we're being realistic) yet long enough to be excited for classes to begin again (what, your not excited for that?). Even though I haven't been a student in a few years, I still like to pretend I am. Below are a few ideas on how to spend your January winter break creatively. Image: Jacqueline Pytyck TIP: Yea, I get that you're on vacation from art and school but this is art on your time. If you're not spending your breaks making art for yourself now, what will... Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2011 at Underground Art School
STUDENT // TEACHER: John Paul Gardner
Sharing the sculpture and installation work of recent University of Oregon MFA grad John Paul Gardner. I'm feeling really inspired by the simplicity and geometry behind the sculptures juxtaposed with organic elements. Please have a look at 2 of my favorite of Gardner's installations: Yard Sale and Subterranean. With winter approaching here in Connecticut, I think I might be missing green grass, but thank God art blooms all year around. Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2010 at Underground Art School
Art School Blogs
Let's talk about art school blogs. For those of you currently in art school you're probably like "yea, so?" We expect most nouns to have a website, or blog, but shamefully some art schools are way behind on their homework. So we'd like to share just a few art school blogs that are shaping the way for their students (and graduates) to connect through awesome content and design. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Seen + Heard: The CalArts Student Blog Designed by students (Bijan Birahimi to be precise), written by students, for students, this blog discusses everything from class projects to campus events. Check... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2010 at Underground Art School
STUDENT // TEACHER: Lauren Gentry
Lauren Gentry is a 4th year illustration student at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in Scotland. Set to graduate this spring (HEEEY GURL!) we wanted to post some sketchbook drawings and final illustrations for a children's book project just to remind us all of the importance of a sketchbook. No jokes. Sketchbooks are the truth! We here at Underground Art School enable sketchy behavior. Check more work out on her Flickr, Blog, aaaand Twitter, 'cause we love the Twitter. Oh, and since we're encouraging sketchbook use, you could join Art House Co-op's Sketchbook Monthlies (it's a sketchbook... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2010 at Underground Art School
Design*Sponge 2010 Student Scholarship
The infamous home + product design blog Design*Sponge is having a scholarship to undergrads and graduates studying in the fields of product/furniture design, fine art (including illustration), graphic/pattern/surface design, textiles, ceramics, architecture and interior design. The scholarship is intended to "assist art and design students in the pursuit of their creative endeavors through financial support." Happy Holidays to us! The DEADLINE is 12/8/10 and more information including registration can be found here. Go on...enter! You have nothing to loose. Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2010 at Underground Art School
STUDENT // TEACHER: Laura Redburn
I'm really enjoying the art from the 23 year old UK based Laura Redburn. She's recently started her BA in illustration. There's lots more sketchbook and little artwork nuggets on her blog for you to browse. Next time your parents ask "Really? An art school?" consider Laura's art because a fun and interesting reply might be "why the fuck not?" Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2010 at Underground Art School
STUDENT // TEACHER: Alisha Amirkhanian
A spirited, unruly student is preferable. It's much easier to direct passion than to try and inspire it. -Joan Desmond I'm posting the work of Cali based artist Alisha Amirkhanian today. I couldn't find out much about Alisha except that she's an artist...and from California. I love the diversity between her paintings, drawings + photography. Where her paintings + drawings show intimate, very realistic moments of life with traditional color palettes, her photography flips her artistic world into a colorful spin of surrealism. Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2010 at Underground Art School
Happy Halloween!
Trick, Treat + Be Safe! Artwork by Laura Callaghan, Matt Leyen, + Jonah Block via Society6. Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2010 at Underground Art School
Ben Aqua is a 20-something photographer shooting out of the good 'ol state of Texas. His images have been exhibited internationally and also published by really awesome sites + magazines that you may find enjoyable like NYLON, Beautiful/Decay, Spin + Fecal Face. You could probably pull a dozen or so adjectives out to describe Ben's work but the interesting thing about it all is what do you think his next photograph will look like? Check out his TUMBLR to get the full Ben Aqua effect. Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2010 at Underground Art School
STUDENT // TEACHER: Joakim Ojanen
Joakim Ojanen is studying for a BA in illustration and graphic design from Konstfack (University of Arts, Craft + Design) in Stockholm but he fills his blog with his very diverse projects such as sculpture, drawings, 'zine's, and murals. Switching up mediums and modes of making keeps us pushing, we can't stay in our comfort zones forever, that's not what art + design are about. On the topic of murals and zones, if you're in the Hartford, CT area tomorrow, come to the 4th Annual CCSU Mural Slam. We'll be there, gettin' our paint on. Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2010 at Underground Art School
STUDENT // TEACHER: James Docherty
"STAY TRUE TO YOUR VISION BECAUSE IT'S NOT UP TO YOU WHAT THE AUDIENCE CHOOSES TO SEE" -from Art & Fear with photography from student James Docherty Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2010 at Underground Art School
STUDENT // TEACHER: Karo Knitter
I would have never considered combining 2D collage on 3D objects like German artist/illustrator Karo Knitter where she creates line drawings on the glass frame which cases pressed flower arrangements. Is her work 2D or is it more sculptural? I'm not sure, but she just made me think outside the box. Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2010 at Underground Art School
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