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Paris, France
Human. Ruckus maker. Writer. Speaker. Entrepreneur. Futurist.
Interests: Reading, thinking, writing and seeing new places.
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For everything you choose to exchange your time with, there are a number of other things you will not be able to do. In the way that, you really cannot eat your cake and still have it at the same... Continue reading
….is that it may not work. Your time is lost and confidence eroded. The work now needs a rework. An unnecessary re-assignment of time, useable effort and money....on the same project. It's pure labour loss. Complete waste of resources. But... Continue reading
That email you will rather not send now. The call that you will rather sleep-over than make today. Those very actions may be the bridge to your desired experiences. The reason you are not comfortable doing it is because the... Continue reading
Since modern history, we have officially had two thousand and seventeen years on the planet. And if we do the maths, with the wild assumption that each generation have lived an average of 100 years....that means we have had 20.17... Continue reading
There is a sense in which we all live on autopilot. For example, in the way we brush our teeth, take our bath and wear our clothes...these activities are simply a product of instinctive thinking. a product of the engagement... Continue reading
Every man needs a level of centeredness to attain peak performance in life -- an alignment of his spirit, soul & body. In the way that one cannot develop his spirit & soul alone and leave the body to ruin;... Continue reading
Resistance to change may not impact you instantly...but it will do so soon. Slowly but surely. And sometimes with devastating effect. Some major players of the horse and buggy industry didn’t think that the advent of automobiles was going to... Continue reading
Window and mirror are two important objects that we use almost on a daily basis. They are both made of glass but have different uses by virtue of their design. In my interpretation, we see the world through the latter... Continue reading
You see, it is because people are actually poor that's why they resign to going around begging alms. And it doesn't matter whether they are dressed in a suit or in rags. The thing is, the point at which any... Continue reading
Because it affords another opportunity to do great work. Another opportunity to get better at your craft. To raise the ante and to lead new conversations. Of course, you do have a right to be sad after a failure event.... Continue reading
You really cannot control the kind of thoughts that impresses on your mind. But what is often within your power are the thought prompters -- those things you choose to hear and see. They are exactly what informs the quality... Continue reading
I don't know if staying ‘alive’ is easy for you, but for some of us, we fight daily to do so. We fight to get out of bed every morning and face the day in stride (even when it is... Continue reading
In a conflict situation, it is the wise that moves for peace first & not necessarily the one who is wrong (& sorry). For them, it is better to be at peace than to be right. And in the prioritization... Continue reading
In life, there will always be moments when we have to make hard decisions. And no matter who you are, you will not be excused from this. It is a necessary rite of passage. Sometimes, this decision will mean that... Continue reading
There are two ways to react to an unpleasant news about your neighbour. One way is to be generous and the other way is to show your other side. While your generous side says, ‘oh no, I wish this isn't... Continue reading
You don't do the world (around you) any good by withholding your best self from expression. And infact, it is not humility. Far from it. Part of true living is to know that people may feel insecure around you but... Continue reading
It is what it is. MISSunderstanding. Meaning that two persons could get along on other fronts but not on a particular issue. They miss a fibre of connection. And the fact is, there is really nothing wrong with both parties,... Continue reading
Talking about the idea of keeping the right perspective, for some of us, we were not supposed to miss the challenges we are currently facing at the moment. Yes. Those tough challenges you are facing now isn't so much a... Continue reading
Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak. Sometimes it just means you are strong enough to let go. And the thing is, sometimes, it really does make sense to give up. And it takes someone who has been there... Continue reading
What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it. Period. The thing is, the event is not the experience but the interpretations you give it. The judgements you make from... Continue reading
See, as humans, we will never outgrow the need for one another & infact we were not designed to be independent. If you are a specialist doctor, you will always need a good mechanic; a president will need a good... Continue reading
....even if you have to do so yawning. Just say it. To be courageous does not imply the absence of fear but your ability to act inspite of it. And the thing is, your knee may buckle in the process.... Continue reading
....any judgement premised on incomplete information is usually faulty. More often than not. They are usually very faulty. ‎ It is the reason why you should give allowance for the grey part of the situation that you are not currently... Continue reading
A critical part of what makes our humanity is that we are frail and very prone to errors & mistakes. Infact, we were all born foolish. And every passing day gives us an opportunity to gain wisdom. Line upon line.... Continue reading
As humans, it is important to recognize that there is no such thing as a self-made man. And for some, they may have just being too blind to recognize their helpers (sometimes, it is very tempting not to, mostly when... Continue reading