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mike bea
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Glad you had a great time. Me I woke up to 1 foot of snow and going to continue for 2 more days?? The only fun thing about is playing around in your truck:):)
hi Paris, I watched what you did on I get That Alot, it shows how kind you really are when you filled that ladies fuel tank up wow is all I can say you are wonderful for that. I live in Canada and know how it is to be well, you can say broke from the loosing a job, you proved to anyone who saw that what kind a person you are way too go Paris:) mike from Canada
Toggle Commented Jan 17, 2010 on We be clubbin..... at Paris Hilton
mike bea is now following Paris Hilton
Jan 17, 2010
mike bea is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 17, 2010