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Ursula Clamer
Sydney, Australia
I'm a sister, wife and mother of three who loves to create.
Interests: Creating Art, Reading, Daydreaming and Playing with my children. I have an ever-changing favourites list but the ones that always feature are.... My Favourite authors include Tim Winton and Nick Hornby. I love the Harry Potter books by JK Rowling, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. My Favourite magazines are Cloth Paper Scissors, MasterChef and Teesha Moore's Zine Art & Life. My favourite musicians/bands include Midge Ure, Bon Jovi, Nicholas Gunn, The Script, Pink, Plain White T's, Paul Young, Evermore, Paulo Nutini, The Cat Empire........ My Favourite movies are Four Weddings & A Funeral, The Sound of Music, Parenthood, The Usual Suspects, Shawshank Redemption, Fried Green Tomatoes, Somersault, Lantana, Love Actually, Valentine's Day and The King's Speech.