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USB Direct
Vaughan, ON
USB Direct is an Ontario, Canada-based Company, which sells all types of flash drives to small entrepreneurial businesses and large firms alike. USB Direct offer storage devices that come in various shapes and sizes including those that come in the form of a credit card, USB drives that swivel, and a variety of equipment that comes in high-quality leather. Flash Drive Types USB Direct provides custom USB drives that arrive in finished aluminum, in which one is from rubber, and devices that come in numerous types of steel, wood, and also recycled materials. You can select your flash drive that looks like a guitar, a sports car, a bar of gold, an alien ship, a small collar, or even a Russian doll. Besides the prebuilt pieces that we sell, customers are welcome to choose promotional USB keys that connect to a key chain, functions just like a pen, or one that wraps safely around their wrist. The Memory We sell flash drives that hold 64 megabytes of data, and we also sell what are the most advanced devices around, and these can hold as much as an impressive 24 gigabytes of information. The Addition of Your Logo USB Direct can provide your company with flash drives that have a unique style, a unique color, and a unique design. Our prices are particularly competitive should you choose either a single color or three colors for each side of your device. If you are looking for a USB drive that is especially fancy, we can add as many as six solid colors, and the ink will be white. What's more, we can etch pictures, logos, and words into flash drives, which they usually make it out from wood and leather by utilizing our precision lasers. Customizing Your Device Completely Besides making an imprint of your company's logo, you are welcome to use our website whereby you can send us concepts that are entirely unique for new USB drives. Before manufacturing the piece or pieces, we will send you an image of the prospective design in the form of a three-dimensional picture so you can make a proper assessment of the USB device's appearance before going ahead with your order. Warranties and Delivery The majority of the flash drives that we sell have a strong five-year warranty. Rather than choosing a regular packaging type, you can instead opt to have your device shipped in a customized wooden box or in a container which is made from stainless steel. All flash drives that come with the feature of USB 3.0 can read and also deliver data at ten times more rapidly, in general, than the USB 2.0 counterpart. Reduction on Our Prices If you have a price quote that comes from another company for a USB drive that is likewise sold by USB Direct, we make the guarantee to you that our price will be lower than the other company's price. We, therefore, ensure that no other company can beat our selling price for any of the drives that we have in the market.
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Apr 30, 2017