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Uschi Voelkel
Recent Activity
Thinking about the verse you've quoted I became aware of how much we Christians ourselves need to hear the good news again and again, to be set free from our religious captivity and to get liberated from the oppression in our circumstances as well and to get new sight again and again so we are able to see more in a way God sees the people, life and his creation - I'm still blind in many areas I think, because my 'glasses' are filtering my seeing and awareness and there is so much more to discover what the kingdom is all about - we do need the help and encouragement of the Holy Spirit and from each other and the testimonies of our experiences in this great life journey. Bless you all, we are keeping praying for breakthroughs in all your challenges Uschi
Uschi Voelkel is now following Webb's updates
Apr 19, 2010