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Utter Faith
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Brilliant Combination of the Truth
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Posted May 18, 2010 at Utter Faith's blog
The Truth on The Law of Attraction - Is it really true!! What about Karma (Actions & Reactions)
How could we be blind about the law of Attraction. Tell whom been assaulted improperly that they have attracted it!! why did we forget the original teachings which are truer: some things happen for a reason.. & everyone is responsible of their own actions & reactions then when someone behaves... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2010 at Utter Faith's blog
Be blessed dear :))
The message for today is that anytime you see that the positive thoughts you felt are not manifesting into your life know that what is missing or in lack of is two precious things that without all your thoughts and feelings are like perfume in the wind nothing but a good smell that comes out and...
Utter Faith is now following Saluayne
Apr 1, 2010
Utter Faith is now following Account Deleted
Apr 1, 2010
The message for today is that anytime you see that the positive thoughts you felt are not manifesting into your life know that what is missing or in lack of is two precious things that without all your thoughts and feelings are like perfume in the wind nothing but a... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2010 at Utter Faith's blog
The True Color of the Divine Love is: "INDIGO"
This is my experience as an Indigo adult of the Indigo color today: As I am writing these joyful flowing words for the first time, in a very long time ago I haven’t felt the grace and gratefulness I am feeling today, the first time was when I was a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2010 at Utter Faith's blog
Utter Faith is now following Account Deleted
Mar 17, 2010
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