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V2Blast added a favorite at WWdN: In Exile
Nov 28, 2010
Question, Wil: Have you seen the movie "Whip It"? It's actually about Roller Derby (capitalized for awesomeness), and I found it quite enjoyable. =)
Toggle Commented Jun 24, 2010 on kick out the jams, motherfu- at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
V2Blast added a favorite at WWdN: In Exile
Jun 24, 2010
I <3 Reddit.
Toggle Commented Jun 24, 2010 on presented without comment at WWdN: In Exile
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V2Blast added a favorite at WWdN: In Exile
Jun 24, 2010
V2Blast added a favorite at WWdN: In Exile
Jun 24, 2010
V2Blast added a favorite at WWdN: In Exile
Jun 23, 2010
I have no recommendations for you, but I will say that I can't wait to see you on Eureka. It's an awesome show. :D
Toggle Commented Apr 10, 2010 on Eureka: all the rage - day zero at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Though I believe you are wrong in believing homosexuality to be wrong, I am glad you are willing to accept the possibility that you are wrong, and that you have chosen to treat others with respect and dignity.
Toggle Commented Mar 23, 2010 on James Randi: "I'm gay." at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
I feel like youth are generally more accepting of that sort of thing (depending on where you are, of course, but still) - people would not blink an eye at two guys (or girls) holding hands at school or college.
Toggle Commented Mar 23, 2010 on James Randi: "I'm gay." at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Haha, I happened to see this even before you linked it! I think I saw it on Twitter minutes after they posted a link to it. Awesome stuff. Stylophones are fun stuff. :)
1 reply
It sounds like your weekend was made of pure awesomeness. You lucky bastard.
1 reply
V2Blast added a favorite at WWdN: In Exile
Nov 16, 2009
Eh. I'm not really that interested in Magic. I'm done with the card-games stage of my life, having bought both Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards at some point in my life. Thanks for the offer, though. :P
1 reply
Given that I go to Carnegie Mellon, I could pretty much walk up to any random guy on campus and he'd probably know how to play... But I don't. Well, actually, I do, courtesy of a Game Boy Advance version of the game (I think it was GBA), but not well. I think I've only played one actual game with tangible cards (if even that). I have no cards, and thus, I can not play.
1 reply
Looking awesome... I hope to see more movies with ZQ as Spock. He pulls it off really well :D
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I've never played D&D before (pretty sure there's literally _nobody_ in the town where I live who plays it), but I want to try it out sometime. Seems fun. (And I'm pretty sure there are a lot of Carnegie Mellon students who play - we're a pretty nerdy college.)
1 reply
"When it is found, NASA will exultantly shout it to the world, of that I am totally positive." Exactly. Do you know how insanely exciting that would be for them (or anyone with a remote interest in the universe around them)? Seriously, you conspiracy theorists assume governments can orchestrate an organized cover-up.
1 reply
I think @spam is pretty effective at blocking the ones reported to it, but the problem is that there are so many more... They need to implement something to keep the bots from signing up.
1 reply
The same guy also created Urban Dead: "Urban Dead is a massively multiplayer zombie-infection web-game, from the creator of this simulation. Help to evacuate or loot a quarantined city, or join the shambling hordes."
Toggle Commented Aug 16, 2009 on in which progress is made at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Toggle Commented Jul 18, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
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Jul 17, 2009
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