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Valen Hardesty
Recent Activity
I just remembered that I have not checked your blog in a while. I'm so sorry you are going through this! my parents are in there 60s and I think about how the last part of their lives is going to go. They don't want to interfere with their childrens lives, but I've always had a feeling that it will swing that way. I worked in an assisted living center in Port Townsend, I've seen all the pros and cons to that kind of life. I hope you did seek counseling to get another opinion on what you should do for you and your mom. That would be helpful. I hope things are getting better! My dental hygienist has been taking care of her 95 year old mom for the past 20 years. She lives with her. She has not had a social life, or vacations, nothing, because of it. And her siblings refuse to help her out. I feel for you, and her, for all of us who have to make these tough decisions.
I guess what's kept me from blogging all this time is that I've waited for things to get better before I post. You know, happy blogging. Nobody wants to read about the latest whine-du-jour. But frankly, things have basically sucked since my last post and have gotten suckier. So it's either post ...
Valen Hardesty is now following The Typepad Team
May 2, 2012
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