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Bay Area, CA
I'm an aspiring writer who pens poems daily.
Interests: movies, books, baseball, internet, rugby, sci-fi/fantasy
Recent Activity
Thank you. :)
day149: a memorial day visit
I shouldn't have read this while at work. I can't LOL. I can only write LOL.
Thanks for that. ;)
I am easily amused
So io9 did this thing called the 10 Suckiest Fake Video Games That People Play In Science Fiction. Spoiler Alert: The Game from, uh, The Game is number one. 1) Suckdisk from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Actually, we don’t remember this game having an actual name on the show, but “suckdisk” f...
I already commented at G+ but I want to say here that when I met you, I was almost afraid to approach you. Maybe not afraid, but shy, and I've met so many of my Xena/Herc hunks (yes, I said hunks) and probably didn't need to feel shy around you. It took my husband (he's a good husband) to prod me along and it ended up being a great experience. You are a super sweet fella and those people who think otherwise should probably look in the mirror with a more thoughtful eye. ;) Sorry you had to go through that mob and I will take down anyone who says you're anything other than a gracious and generous fella to his fans.
if you cut me, i will bleed
Pretty much all of Comicon was awesome. However, there was one thing that was decidedly not awesome, and though I had initially decided not to talk about it in public, it's bothered me since it happened, so I wrote about it on G+ earlier today. I'm cross posting it here, though, because it's imp...
Last night's episode ROCKED! It was fantastic seeing you, of course, and Felicia Day. And I LOVED the bit with Stan Lee. :D Looking forward to seeing more Dr. Parrish.
EUREKA: Glimpse
Last night's Eureka, Glimpse, was my first episode as a non-enraged-by-the-enraginator-device Doctor Parrish. I had completely forgotten about Fargo's commercial for the Astraeus project at the top of the show; when I saw that, the excitement of shooting the entire season came flooding back to m...
I don't know why, but I'm really so touched that I'm a little teary. Oh geez. So sweet! :)
in which a good person is kind
My son Ryan was home from college all week for Spring Break, and I kept expecting him to grab one of my logged-into-Twitter devices to tell the world how awesome I think he is. (I pretend to get all mad, but I secretly love it when he does this.) Today, he went back to school, and I went out to ...
I love the family photo! :) You have a most handsome (boys) and beautiful (wife) family. Looking forward to tales from the cruise!
In which I am a proud father
"I have to tell you," Jonathan Coulton's wife said to me on the last night of the cruise, "how wonderful your boys are." "I have two daughters," Peter Sagal's wife told Anne, "and I hope this isn't weird or creepy, but I really hope they meet guys like your sons." "Dude, you know you raised your...
I'm slightly unplugged at the moment (without a smartphone) and it has been BRUTAL! LOL! I think I need to disconnect more often because I really shouldn't feel this desperate for my smarthphone, right?
I alway enjoy your blog posts and it's funny how this one comes when I'm unwillingly slightly unplugged. :)
on the benefits of being unplugged
There's a saying, possibly apocryphal, that actors act for free, but get paid to wait. If you've ever spent any time on a set, this will probably make a lot of sense to you; a day on the set usually features extended periods of boredom, punctuated by brief moments of terror -- oh, wait, that's s...
rekindled fangirl fire
It’s been awhile since I’ve felt this way. The delicious rush of fangirl longing, the constant simmer of anticipation. Actually, it hasn’t been that long. Perhaps a year? When did my Jeffrey Dean Morgan fascination begin to manifest? This time,... Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2010 at
Oh my.
Untitled Trolololo Picture #6
Have a great weekend, everyone. Remember that it's Free Comic Book Day on Saturday! (Photo by Kiko. Click to embiggen, go to Flickr, and see lots of other great pictures he took at PAX East)
Omigosh, that's hilarious! I probably saw this in repeats long ago. LOL!
Thanks so much for sharing. :)
"Mi llamo es Bob."
Yesterday, I saw this video linked at Reddit. It's one of those things that I haven't thought about in years, but the instant I saw it, it unlocked some memories, one of which I left as a comment: I was a huge Night Court nerd when I was a kid, and from time to time I would ask Brent to do ...
valerie is now following Richard
Dec 2, 2009
Absolutely LOVED this episode and you in it. Your evil self seemed so sincere to Sheldon. lol! Very well done. Looking forward to more behind-the-scenes stuff!
The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary
I'm at w00tstock right now, and I haven't even seen the show, but I thought it would be fun to write a post in advance so anyone who watched The Big Bang Theory tonight would have a place to talk about it. If everything goes according to plan, this should post right as the episode is finishing o...
in the end, it doesn't really matter
One of the interesting things on the internet is social networking. From MySpace to Facebook, there are a multitude of online services that foster social interaction between strangers and friends and even family. I have taken advantage of many social... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2009 at
in the end, it doesn't really matter
One of the interesting things on the internet is social networking. From MySpace to Facebook, there are a multitude of online services that foster social interaction between strangers and friends and even family. I have taken advantage of many social... Continue reading
Posted Sep 20, 2009 at
valerie has shared their blog
Aug 22, 2009
valerie is now following Wil
Aug 22, 2009
valerie is now following Zachary Quinto
Aug 22, 2009
I had a laugh at those. ;) But not too loud because I'm at work and probably shouldn't even be writing this at the moment. But I must do it now because in a little over an hour I'll be at the movies contributing (yet again) to the Star Trek fund. Yah!
I remember those sweaters of Wesley. Ye gods!
Time, it flies. :)
Boy, there sure is a lot of pain, and it is painful. For Troi and the audience.
...let me tell you all about the pain. I've written enough books and things to identify a few milestones along my creative road. When I was ... well, I almost said 'still figuring this out', like I have it all figured out, which I don't, so I'll try again: When I had even less figured out than I...
If you all came to San Francisco, I would be so there. (I know, some of you were here for Wonder Con, but I didn't get to meet anyone!)
Looking forward to the movie. Actually thinking of taking the day off for it. lol!
STAR TREK - World Press Tour
Zachary, Chris Pine, J.J. Abrams, Eric Bana, Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Simon Pegg, and Karl Urban leave this Saturday, April 4th for a Worldwide Press Tour in support of the release of STAR TREK on May 8th. Cities include: - Sydney, Australia - Auckland, New Zealand -
It does rule. I agree wholeheartedly. lol!
resistance is futile?
If you don't already know this, I'm a bit of a fangirl in the boycrazy kind of way. It's not really a huge secret. After all, I have a whole domain dedicated to fellas who've lassoed my attention at various points over the last decade or so. (Yikes, did I say decade?!) I have done my very be...
Thank you! I have to take lots of pictures of her whenever I see her because I don't want to miss anything. lol!
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