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Welcome to our beautiful Webster`s Pages Family, sweet Adrienne! Hugs ~Gerry~
Patti, your layout is totally stunning! Perfectly embellished for that adorable photo! Beautiful work, my friend! xo
Gabi, absolutely creative and original way to use the stickers! Admirable work as always! ~g~
Your work so beautiful & inspirational, Erin! We are so lucky to have you! Welcome to the team :-) ~G~
Gabi, totally beautiful and inspiring work of art! Thank you so much for sharing the video with all of us! ~G~
Brandin, those are totally inspiring and I do love all the colors I see! I`m dying to know what you are cooking for all of us :-). Can`t wait to see your newest designs......I bet they`ll be beautiful and gorgeous as always! xo
Congratulations to all the Design Team girls and Guest-designers! I`m so honored to be member of Prima`s family! Hugs ~Gerry~
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2012 on Announcing Prima's 2012-2013 Design Team! at Prima
Gabi, your place looks so cosy and beautiful! Everything is on its place :-) and so neatly arranged! Thank you for sharing your scrappy paradise with us :-)! ~Gerry~
Anabelle, your handmade booklet is gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing with us!
Em, your layout is stunning and your tutorial....amazing! Thank you for sharing wit us!
Congratulations, ladies! Special WTG to my dear friend, Patti!
Toggle Commented May 4, 2012 on Announcing Moxxie Muses! at Got Moxxie?
Ladies, ALL your projects are amazing! Great use of the adhesives!
Such beautiful cards for our beautiful Brandin! Have a wonderful birthday tomorrow, Brandin! Cheers :-)
Karola , what a clever way to use the flat flowers. Thank you for your awesome tut and for the inspiration!!!! Your layout is always! Have a nice day, too! :-)
How cute and adorable is this? Thank you so much Tomoko for the inspiration and hugs to your adorable daughter!
I echo Em`s words, totally excited about new Webster`s baby {Blueprints} - such a treasure for the generations. I can`t wait to start writing.......My pen is already on my table.... waiting :-))))) And I love that beautiful video - I had to share it on my blog - Thank you! Hugs ~Gerry~
Toggle Commented Apr 3, 2012 on Introducing {blueprints*} at Webster's Home
Brandin, this is absolutely the most precious way to preserve your memories. You are amazing! Thank you for making our busy lives so beautiful and peaceful! Can`t wait to start writing...YAY!
Gabi, you layout is as always so beautiful and inspiring! Thank you for the tutorial - it`s awesome! ~Gerry~
BIG CONGRATS, Pam! What a lucky girl! I`m sure you`ll create lots of beautiful work - I can`t wait to see it! Enjoy your prize!!!! ~Gerry~
Toggle Commented Mar 20, 2012 on we have a WINNER! at Webster's Home
I love this video, Brandin! HUGS HUGS HUGS and THANK YOU!
Awwww, Jaz, looks so cozy and beautiful! I`d love to spend a week or two by you ;-))))
Toggle Commented Feb 22, 2012 on Scrap Space Tour With Jaz Lee at Webster's Home
Congratulations, Lorna! Can`t wait to see what you`ll create with this fabulous collection!
Toggle Commented Feb 15, 2012 on Who Is the WINNER?! at Webster's Home
Donna, these are absolutely amazing....A must-have!
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2012 on NEW donna downey stamps! at simply me
1 reply
Hi Janine! Once again Congratulations on Webster`s Pages DT spot! I`m so happy you accepted this invitation and I`m looking forward to an amazing year with you and the girls! You are so right, it`ll be a very busy year....but beautifully busy :-) Hugs ~Gerry~