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if you don't know what islam is really about, you are lost and really just a traitor to freedom and natural rights..
Broward GOP blocks Muslim activist from top committee at raucous meeting
Islam and tea-party activism clashed at a raucous meeting Monday night when a group of Broward County Republicans blocked a Muslim activist as a member of the party’s executive committee. Republicans, who changed their rules to publicly vet Nezar Hamze and then vote on his application by secret...
Seriously.. I know we have loads of oil..
I think the long term plan is to drain the oil elsewhere then open up our own..
just saying.. think long term, it makes sense..
but then, by the time we get to our own oil, muslims will be so plentiful here, the point of cutting off ME muslims would be moot..
Defender of Freedom, Ezra Levant: "Take your secret Saudi threats and shove ’em"
Freedom under attack yet again from the Islamic supremacists in Saudi Arabia. The target? Our great friend and singular freedom lover, Ezra Levant. If you missed his remarks at our 911 freedom rally, go here. This is war in the information battle space. And the silencing of the truth tellers is ...
just so people don't go and think I just pull this baha'i stuff out of my ass...
Pamela Geller, WND: Illinois governor's Hamas council
Is Governor Quinn clueless or complicit? And what difference does it make? The damage is serious, whatever this useful idiot's intent. Gov. Quinn is aiding and abetting the destructive and subversive agenda of an avowed enemy of America and freedom. Why would a Governor invite stealth jihadists ...
Illinois is home to the baha'i which stress the need for Christians to accept mohammad as an equal manifestation of allah.. yes allah.. Baha'u'llah, the profit of the baha'i, did not believe in factual Judeo-Christian history..
All of this multiculti crap comes out of the National Spiritual Assembly in Willamette which is owned by the Universal House of Justice..
the trojan horse for islam..
Pamela Geller, WND: Illinois governor's Hamas council
Is Governor Quinn clueless or complicit? And what difference does it make? The damage is serious, whatever this useful idiot's intent. Gov. Quinn is aiding and abetting the destructive and subversive agenda of an avowed enemy of America and freedom. Why would a Governor invite stealth jihadists ...
Jews that subscribe to baha'i ideology...
The Nazis and The Fascists Who Founded the EU and Their Profound Influence on Eurabia Today
The Palestinization of Europe aka Eurabia was no accident. Bat Ye'or has an exceptional soon-to-be-released book that analyzes these modern "political trends and strategies that are leading to major changes in Western civilization, America included, since the OIC strategy targets America also. L...
is your nick an Akira reference?
The Nazis and The Fascists Who Founded the EU and Their Profound Influence on Eurabia Today
The Palestinization of Europe aka Eurabia was no accident. Bat Ye'or has an exceptional soon-to-be-released book that analyzes these modern "political trends and strategies that are leading to major changes in Western civilization, America included, since the OIC strategy targets America also. L...
Europe has baha'i written all over it.. they are multiculturalist messianic muslims.. with a very socialistic bent..
Maurice Strong is a prominent and devout baha'i.. and George Soros was raised from birth to speak the baha'i's chosen world language 'esperanto'
Unity in Diversity.. look it up if you don't believe me.. I have never been rebutted by anyone..
The Nazis and The Fascists Who Founded the EU and Their Profound Influence on Eurabia Today
The Palestinization of Europe aka Eurabia was no accident. Bat Ye'or has an exceptional soon-to-be-released book that analyzes these modern "political trends and strategies that are leading to major changes in Western civilization, America included, since the OIC strategy targets America also. L...
the baha'i developed the plan for making it happen..
The Nazis and The Fascists Who Founded the EU and Their Profound Influence on Eurabia Today
The Palestinization of Europe aka Eurabia was no accident. Bat Ye'or has an exceptional soon-to-be-released book that analyzes these modern "political trends and strategies that are leading to major changes in Western civilization, America included, since the OIC strategy targets America also. L...
The freedom tower is a minaret, replacing the bizarro mecca that the WTC court was.. the crescent is a 'mosque'.. the Pentagon installed a 'prayer room'..
The burlington coat factory is just a distraction while those muslim friendly victory monuments were being established...
yes the freedom tower is a minaret..
Muslim Consultants Lied to Park Service About Flight 911 Islamic Crescent Memorial
Let the record show that there were patriots and freedom lovers who opposed and fought for years against an Islamic crescent pointing towards Mecca as a "memorial" to the American heroes who brought down the last plane taken over by islamic terrorists. We know what it is. Those brave souls on F...
They were directed to treat islam as not the problem..
hence why we point at Perry and see the second coming of Bush
Muslim Consultants Lied to Park Service About Flight 911 Islamic Crescent Memorial
Let the record show that there were patriots and freedom lovers who opposed and fought for years against an Islamic crescent pointing towards Mecca as a "memorial" to the American heroes who brought down the last plane taken over by islamic terrorists. We know what it is. Those brave souls on F...
Pam.. I already ordered.. :-(
please come to Toronto for a book signing.
The Battleplan Hits Bookstores Today!
Get your Autographed Copy Here Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance You know what's at stake. We both do. That is why I wrote this essential primer for patriots. You must read this book. Go to Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide t...
grungyoldvan added a favorite at Atlas Shrugs
Sep 6, 2011
wow.. weak
Islamizing the West: "Islamic Emirates Project"
One only has to look across the pond to glimpse how Islamic supremacists impose Islamic law in the war on western civilization and work to install a universal caliphate across the world. Those of us who fight the jihad imperialist mandate are the last line of defense. The idea that self-defense ...
Thanks for making Pam's point..
"Allah grants victory to those whose cause is just"
Whose cause is just to a muslim? God is not Allah.. Allah is God's replacement.. if you don't know that much you are way out of your league..
Listen up Mr. Devout Christian.. there is no room for Jesus in islam.. his name is Isa and he isn't God in islam..
again, if you don't get that basic fact of faith, you are way way out of your league..
On the Road: "Victory from Allah, and invasion soon"
This just came in from "infidel" in Maine: I saw this car in Portland yesterday August 24th, 2011. I had to take a picture of this bumper sticker to share. The translation on the sticker says "Help from Allah and present victory" In Arabic it says "Victory from Allah, and invasion soon" T...
Ummm.. I kinda hope muslims force communism's hand..
screw the commie chinks.. they are enemies anyways..
muzzies, chink-coms.. wtf is the difference.. I hope they annihilate each other
what.. do some of you object to my derogatory terms? well IDGAF..
shariah led to feudalism led to communism.. don't eff with me.. muzzies and chink-coms deserve each other..
Islamic Honor Killing in China: Husband Beheads Wife Because She lived "against Islamic law"
China? Oh yes, we have been hearing about the Uighurs (the Muslims in China) who have been agitating and creating civil unrest. It is the pattern for Muslims in non-Muslim countries to impose, agitate, and force Islam on the secular public square. Here are remarks from an Atlas reader living in ...
I'm with you Pam..
Perry supporters want DESPERATELY to believe SOMETHING in ISLAM is A-OK...
morons.. the lot..
Perry's Pandering
Much is being of Rick Perry's support of Israel, which is essential. Loving Israel is great but off topic. Bush loved Israel too, but ultimately did it harm in his concessions to Islamic supremacists. Anytime Muslims and Jews conflict, Jews get thrown under the bus. You cannot appease the annihi...
More Facebook Jihad: Muslims on "Israel" Page Praise Hitler, Boast That Egypt Will Soon Destroy Israel
The bloodthirsty and genocide-minded are salivating for another war against the Jews. This is incitement to violence and annihilation. See their wall posts on this page. Report them to Facebook.
perhaps it's a deliberate sacrifice for muslims.. they are lefty morons..
perhaps they are in cahoots?
they just didn't figure they would get next to zero sympathy..
I don't know really.. and I don't care how much they are raped daily..
they deserve their fate for the absolute stupidity they chose for themselves..
Iran sentences 2 U.S. hikers to 8 years in jail as "spies," with no evidence
What has made Obama's presidency an extraordinary one is how quickly he is dismantling and destroying American hegemony in the world. Like 911, he is destroying in short order what it took decades of blood, treasure and steadfastness to build. Ahmadinejad has publicly taunted the stupidity and...
Rick Perry supports insurance fraud...
deeper and deeper into the do do...
Insurer: Ground Zero Mosque Money Man Robbed us Blind
The NY Post is reporting that Hisham Elzanaty, the money man behind the Ground Zero mosque grifter, Sharif El-Gamal, was involved in a $5.1 million insurance scam. Atlas readers are very familiar with the Elzanaty thief. Elzanaty, who was the man who provided most of the funding for the Cordoba ...
rumor is, Perry's daughter is married to the Kahn's son..
Perry/Aga Khan Curriculum: "shocking example of Islamic propaganda forced upon unsuspecting students attending Texas public schools"
"The religion that the Prophet Muhammad preached provided his followers an ethical and moral vision for leading a life of righteousness." Perry/Khan curriculum. Have you seen supposed "counter jihad" sites giving the Perry/Aga Khan propaganda curriculum an A+? Huh? Did they even bother to read...
Navies seek Jihadi "Pirate Cultural Adviser"
The search is on for a "pirate cultural adviser" to help naval commanders understand the jihadi piracy on the coast of Africa. The same foe our founding fathers fought in not one but two Barbary wars -- Muslim pirates demanding jiyza (tribute) be paid by non-Muslim countries. The idea that these...
In those days, government planes were military.. and only the rich could fly in style.. and Commie lovers..
Time after time, she has gone out of her way to endorse or to give assistance to known Communists. Take the case of her notorious endorsement of Alger Hiss, in her column of August 16, 1948. "Smearing good people like Alger Hiss and Lauchlin Currie [both Soviet espionage agents] is, I think, unforgivable...Anyone knowing either Mr. Currie or Mr. Hiss, who are two people whom I happen to know fairly well, would not need any denial on their part to know they are not Communists. Their records prove it."
sorry if you were a fan.. she is evil
Not an American flag in sight
One would think that the bus the President of the United States would campaign from would have American flag. Not one. Obama's campaign bus looks like a monster hearse. Considering where his approval ratings are, thats not altogether inappropriate. And what's with the bus tour, anyway? A...
QE3.. QE4 .. QE5
raises reflecting the planned inflation...
Obama: Let Them Eat Cake!
The demolition crew got fat pay raises. And you are paying for it, suckers. This is outrageous. Gawker (of all places) posted these raises back in July. The ruling class is doling out enormous pay raises while Americans wait for the light, and go without the meat and curse the bread ..... Rememb...
"Bowing to Chinese pressure"
more like: Doing Chinese bidding
Obama Betrays Another Ally: U.S. to Deny Taiwan's request, "We are so disappointed in the United States"
Obama stabs another long-time, die-hard ally in the back. Meticulously documented in my book, The Post American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America, we see time and time again the Obama administration intent on abandoning America’s friends and encouraging our enemies. In a brea...
muslims killed by muslims.. terrorism defined by shariah..
only muslims are innocent..
The more we hear of Obama's submission to Islam at the Iftar dinner at the White House, the more monstrous it gets. I blogged on it here and here (the first war and the last war). The Obama presidency, lethal for America. The idea of talking only of the Muslim who died on 911 or the M...
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