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New York City
Varda is The Squashed Mom
Recent Activity
Yup, been there, done that. Had exactly 2 periods this past year. Nearly done. Didn't have a single goddam hot flash and thought I was getting away scot-free but then the stress of my mother's dying this winter brought them on full force and now I am just a sweat machine - yuck! Hope it all runs smoothly for you.
Those were the days
Last year after I had that horrible infection and my IUD removed, I went on the pill for a while. Everything was normal, then SG's vasectomy was declared a success and I stopped taking the pill. That was November, I think. I had a normal December cycle, then January was kind of weird because ...
A thousand hugs, my friend.
The one where I'm supposed to have the answers
Life is an endlessly-evolving narrative, one with twists and turns and moments of suspense. Sometimes I think my son's life purpose is to make sure the twists and the suspenseful moments are the norm rather than the exception. We had a fun incident with his transportation a few weeks ago, and...
Just beautiful, Mary. Sad, painful, but beautiful. xoxoxo
Our real lives
I was thinking about my brother the other day. I wonder sometimes in those last days of his life what thoughts were going through his head, if he was in pain, if he knew he was in trouble. I wonder if he knew he was teetering on the brink of dying and whether he was OK with that or if h...
Absolutely adorable! And Happy Thanksgiving. xoxoxo
The Eight Stages of Sibling Acceptance
When I gave birth to Harlow, the moment I was looking forward to most, was introducing her to our first daughter. I couldn't wait to show Mazzy that the "baby" who lived in my belly button for nine months was a living breathing little girl we got to take home. The moment was so special that I...
Oh my friend, I will come back again and again to read your updates, thoughts and musings, no matter how frequently or infrequently they come. I am so glad you have a good man in your life now. And as you know I too have entering 5th grade kids. It's that precipice they stand upon - right at the knife edge of kid before they tumble into teen. The whole week after his 10th birthday this late July, Ethan kept saying "I can't believe I'm a tween now!" like he'd crossed over into some new uncharted territory and was worried he didn't understand all the rules and local,custom yet. I kept reminding him he was the exact same person he was before his "magical two-digit" birthday and that growth and development are a continuum, while a birthday is just a marker, not something that creates change. I doubt he believed me though.
Hugs to you and I hope you enjoy these last fleeting bits of summer.
Over the years I've fallen in love with so many blogs. Every so often I'll see someone I really look forward to reading stop posting with any regularity, and I wonder if they're OK, if this is the beginning of the long decline to the end of blogging altogether or just the silence while they wea...
Shari my dear, so thrilled to be a VOTY with you this year! And just think, last year we were Alexandra's roomies, when SHE was a VOTY. Think she's got the good juju and it rubbed off on us. Yay, us!
The Voice of the Year cleans the Toilet of the Month
Well, in case you missed my giddy status update on Facebook, I have cool news. I was named a BlogHer Voice of the Year in Humor. I'm one of four humorists reading my piece at the Voices of the Year Community Keynote. Squeeeeee!!! I am truly, madly, deeply grateful to BlogHer for such a groov...
OK, I joined Urban Sitters! Let the sitting begin!
Free Babysitting, Anyone?
Giveaway: 10 Winners of $60 Gift Cards to As far as I know, the best gift that anyone can give you is the gift of free babysitting. I know this because my sister has been shirking off material gifts since my daughter was born in favor of cards with a coupon inside that say "one...
If a free sitter showed up at my doorstep? I would run off to Tahiti. Um, no, probably not enough time for THAT, right? OK, I would call my 3 best girlfriends and go to an awesome chick flick together while eating the worst movie theater snacks imaginable.
Free Babysitting, Anyone?
Giveaway: 10 Winners of $60 Gift Cards to As far as I know, the best gift that anyone can give you is the gift of free babysitting. I know this because my sister has been shirking off material gifts since my daughter was born in favor of cards with a coupon inside that say "one...
Crap - husband teaches that night. Maybe I can talk him into springing for a sitter so I can go out... Wish me luck!
Mazzy's Big Screen Debut
Last summer, a director friend of mine named Mark Nickelsburg shot a short movie starring his son, Lucas, called "Harry Grows Up". It's about an eighteen-month-old boy who falls in love with his babysitter but then she leaves him to go to college. Faced with the prospect of a NYC winter alone a...
Even though I love you all the time? I especially love you when you're up on your soapbox. Because the same things that piss you off really piss me off too. And now *I* don't have to write this post. ;-) Carry on!
War? or Distraction? Part 2
This is a continuation of my post from yesterday. Read that first, if you hadn't already, then come back here. I'll wait. Caught up? OK. Now. Let's talk for a minute about this godawful mess. Its pretty straightforward, really. TIME's circulation numbers are declining. The sensationalizing o...
Love the pix. And this is reminding me... when I get around to clearing out my file cabinets of old headshots from my producer days, I MUST look for you in there.. because you seemed awfully familiar looking when first we met. (Also I KNOW I have a shot of Billy Cruddup in there from when he auditioned for a goody corporate video for me, waaaay before he was famous.)
The Evolution of a Headshot
I used to be an actor, don'tcha know. As any actor or former actor will tell you, the quest for the perfect headshot is tantamount to the search for the holy grail. It has to be "you", except with lots of make-up that makes you look completely natural, and a facial expression that covers your fu...
Varda is now following dusty earth mother
Apr 17, 2012
I take my cell phone into the bathroom with me and hide out for 15 minutes reading blogs and surfing the internet when I have really finished my "business" in 3. Sometimes I even do this when it's dinner time and I haven't finished making dinner, but I really need a break.
However, it is now backfiring when my autistic son - whom I have often coached from the other side of the bathroom door on pushing through his resistance to hard stools - turns the tables on me. Concluding that the reason I'm in the bathroom so long is the same one that keeps HIM in there, he stands outside the door loudly encouraging me (as I do him) to "Make a big poop, Mommy! Push! Push hard, Mommy! You can do it! Did you make your poop yet?"
Oy vey!
Time to 'Fess Up
On Tuesday, I wrote a tough post about Mazzy acting out on a shopping trip and I want to thank you all so much for your sympathetic and helpful responses. (Above is Mazzy in happier times, aka the times I buy her love with ice cream and sprinkles.) I actually didn't post yesterday because I wa...
Years and years ago (1982) I had a girlfriend who lived in northern California (Arcata/Eureka area) and drove an ANCIENT ('52) dark green Chevy pick-up truck. It was truly a beautiful thing to behold and ride in. She claimed to never want to drive anything younger than herself. Pretty hard to do these days, I think!
The first one
It was a blue Chevy truck, standard cab. It had cloth seats with a woven pattern that looked just like the blanket I put under my western saddle. At 12 I was tall enough to easily reach the pedals and see over the steering wheel at the same time, but not strong enough to pick up and throw a b...
Oh, Shari, I had no idea you were going through all this! Thank goodness it all went well & your son is out of the woods. How terrifying though. Big cyber-hugs to you, my friend.
Do not watch this TV show in the waiting room while your son is in the OR
Dear hospital staff: Thank you so much for all your kindness to us these past few days. All the compassion, patience, favors, stickers and pats on the shoulder helped immensely during this harrowing time. A particular shout out to the Filipina nurses who offered me adobo and were exceedingly imp...
Good for you! Doing something nice for yourself, just because - GASP - you WANT to! they look lovely. You go girl!
Being Girly
Sometimes I think I write too much about dealing with my kids and their issues. This morning, for instance, could have provoked yet another thousand word essay on the joys of trying to get out of the house on time and why it never ever happens and how I'll never qualify as Mother of the Year be...
This makes me feel incredibly warm and fuzzy. I love how "meta" it is on so many levels. Sometimes when I'm holding my iPhone in my hand and thinking "THIS? This has more computing power than the computers on the Apollo spaceships that took men to the moon." it gives me chills. My kids are nine, my parents were born in 1917 & 1922 (2 stretched out generations in a row will do that). Even as a kid in the 1960s (yes I watched & loved the original Star Trek as a broadcast show) I was in awe at how much the world had changed since my parents were young. And when I think about it compared to NOW? It boggles my mind.
My kids of course don't quite get it, the non-digital world being completely unimaginable their little plugged in minds. My lifetime has spanned a world significantly transformed. I am excited (and a little frightened) to see where my kids' lifetimes will take us. To the stars? You never know.
life imitates art (or: I don't know much about brain scans, but I'll help you fix your computer.)
Earlier today, I got an email from a Star Trek TNG cast member who will remain nameless. I've chosen the pseudonym Jonathan Frakes for the purposes of this post. "Jonathan Frakes's" email had been compromised, and I'd gotten one of the things it sent out, so I pinged him and offered to help him ...
AWESOME! We have a great pediatric dentist now, too. When Jake was gun-shy after a BAD dental experience when he was 3, Dr. Best (yes, that's really his name) set up a series of 5-minute nothing appointments for Jake to come in, sit in the chair, watch the TV and slowly add small things, like ask him to open his mouth, count his teeth, brush his teeth for him, floss him. (And did I mention these pseudo-appointments were FREE - NO CHARGE?) So after 4 sessions of this desensitization, he was ready for a real appointment. Makes all the difference in the world. So glad you found one of the good ones.
Badass Dentistry
Here's where I admit yet another of my many failures as a mother, try to give you some bullshit excuse and then tell you how I've oversome it and now I'm a really awesome parent. (When I was in 4-H many years ago while dinosaurs roamed the earth, they told us always to present a topic to your au...
Hey I don't know how I missed this one. (Up to my elbows in my own & my kids stuff, I guess.) Sometimes all the little things do add up to a big thing. And I know how you know it's just a new label - your kid is still your same kid. You know my e-mail if you ever need to talk, OK? Also I have a number of friends with Aspergers-type kids on the spectrum (so NOT my Jake, but I still keep everything on my radar) And as the kids have become teens and absorbed more information about and become more comfortable with their own diagnoses, they have found connecting to the online Aspie teenage & young adult communities to be incredibly helpful.. It's an "Oh, yes, there are actually people in the world who are like me & can understand me." thing and can be really empowering.
Much love & hugs.
The snow fell and I right along with it
Finally, it came. Boy, howdy, did it come. We got a good six inches between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. School was delayed, meetings were cancelled, we pretty much didn't leave the house except for putting the kids on the bus and getting them back off. The kids had a blast playing i...
So sorry you are going to the dentist and suffer from dental phobia (you're not alone in this, you know - remember Schmutzie's posts about this?) but I have to say this line - "Get better drugs, bitch."? I'mma gonna steal that because it's golden! Hugs to you and hoping it's a simple fix.
On the calendar
I am going to the dentist on Friday. I have not been to the dentist in over two years. I hate the dentist. I hate needles. I hate drills. I hate the way my gums feel after the hygenist has brutalized them with her instruments of torture. Okay, maybe that's not really fair-- not all hygenists ...
What a beautiful friendship and beautiful post. I followed my friend Elizabeth over here, to read your tribute post to her (equally lovely, by the way) and found this, too. We are of a very similar age (I'm a year older) and I was delighted to discover that so many of the touchstones of your childhood are the same as mine - I found myself nodding "yes, yes, yes," to Upstairs, Downstairs and Tim Curry.
I too became a parent late in life - twin boys at 42, so there is so much i can relate to here. So glad to have found you! (Thanks, Elizabeth)
The Greatest Gift I Never Received
I have known my best friend, Kaysie, since the day she was born. Our mothers were friends before they were pregnant, and my mother swore that we had been conceived on the same night. According to Mama, there was nothing on television but the 1960 Democratic National Convention, so both couples h...
You keep talking until you're ready for the silence. I'll keep listening. To your words and your quiet.
Big hugs, my friend. Big cyber-hugs to you today.
I keep talking
I at least know when I'm not doing OK, and I at least have the sense to get a little help when I need it, so today I had an appointment with a counselor to process some of my feelings about Ken's death, and I have another appointment on Friday to do that some more, and then probably another one ...
Oh, Mary I am so, so sorry. My heart is aching for you. That's just so hard. My husband lost a brother suddenly, the year before I met him, so my kids (and I) never knew their Uncle Ethan (whom yes, my son is named for). It's been 14 years and yet my husband misses him every day. Big hugs to you from here. Wish I could be there with you to deliver them in person.
Doing the unthinkable
In two days - no, make that one day, since its past 1AM so technically its now Saturday - I will be doing something I never thought I would do. Or at least, if I did have to do it, it wouldn't be for another thirty or forty years. I will be delivering my brother's eulogy. My big brother died so...
A warm wife is a sexy wife! Silly first husband. Wonderful new one. Enjoy!
Years ago, when I was in my twenties, my mother started a birthday tradition for me. Every year she would buy me a brand new flannel nightgown and matching slippers. Neck to floor flannel. I loved it. My ex hated it. He called it my yearly dose of birth control. Mom stopped buying the flannel...
I'm here. I see and hear you, brave friend.
Picking Scabs
I find myself circling in the center of the room, holding patterns, avoiding the loss swept into the corners. So much pain there, so little of it truly resolved. I pushed it away to forget it, and this new life keeps asking me to sift through those painful memories and feel them all over again...
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