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Chris Varin
Linkebeek, Belgium
French and Swiss retired investment banker looking to rediscover the world.
Interests: Soccer, tennis, skiing, sports in general really, bass guitar, motorcycles, French literature, movies, LIFE
Recent Activity
Go A section!
1 reply
I'm dreading it already!
1 reply
NICE road trip! Sounds like it would have been a bit more fun if it was in an 80's minivan with some friends but I guess you can't have it all.
Toggle Commented Aug 3, 2012 on What Do You Do? I Drive. at The MBA Student Voice
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It should be noted that some sort of "party/social" fund would help a lot - we know that's where all your rupees are going to Ayush!
1 reply
Sounds awesome. I just got back from a few days in Mallorca actually (a bit lower key than Ibiza). Let me know if you want any specific suggestions for France in general or Paris.
Toggle Commented Jul 30, 2012 on Hola Amigos! at The MBA Student Voice
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Love (no pun intended) the picture in front of the castle. Nice choice of location to be wearing that t-shirt!
Toggle Commented Jul 23, 2012 on 48 Days of Summer at The MBA Student Voice
1 reply
That sounds phenomenal Ann. Congratulations!
Toggle Commented Jul 23, 2012 on A Farewell to Army Life at The MBA Student Voice
1 reply
@Ayush - we'll definitely have stuff to catch up on from all sides I'm sure. @Ale - I do make a difference between summer and my usually pale skin peeling off although I'm sure it can be delightful down in Mexico!
Toggle Commented Jul 23, 2012 on What is summer? at The MBA Student Voice
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Chris Varin is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 13, 2012