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The Woodlands, Texas
Kids tummy doc, father, overall good guy
Interests: medicine. health. (social) media
Recent Activity
I hope you enjoy what you find here on Parenting...
I hope you enjoy what you find here on Parenting Solved. While I had a great time here between 2006-2009 I now spend my time thinking about doctors, patients and social media over at 33 charts. I hope you'll come... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2010 at Parenting Solved
Good gosh, Mike. Thank you for the mention. Nice list.
Top 10 Clinical Medicine Blogs
Dr. Mike Cadogan is an emergency physician with a passion for medical informatics and medical education. He writes medical textbooks and hosts educational material at
DrV is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Regarding Pat's comment, I might suggest that a proper presentation should make no sense through inspection of the 'slides' alone. They should only accent what's delivered from speaker to listener. This is my problem with Slideshare. And I would love to hear that audio...
It's Time to Clobber Social Media
Originally posted on the Collaboratory Jeff Dachis and I recently returned from the Web 2.0 Expo in New York—a near week long flurry of activity that brings together technology, business and design amongst other things. We co-presented a somewhat uniquely titled session called “Social Business...
Certainly alot can be done with image capture. I would be concerned that my image would be buried among a boat load of vacation shots. But what's most important when it comes to personal organization is an easy, reliable system that works for you.
For me EN serves as a repository for all my 'stuff'.
8 Ways Physicians Can Use Evernote
When I was a medical student I carried around a little black notebook. It held my lists of differential diagnoses, workups, and other key clinical pearls. In the middle of clinic when I needed to know the workup for rickets I had it right at my fingertips. I had dozens of lists and differen...
My word ... cappin' this at 275? This book is much bigger than that. I think you should seek 'microsponsors' to pitch in... If I weren't in tx I'd be there
My Tbash Overfloweth
Yesterday, the sign up site for #tbash, the Twitterville launch party hit 275, our maximum capacity--unless either a new sponsor steps forward. This is unlikely with one week to go before the event starts at 4 pm in Hiller Aviation Museum, San Carlos, CA. However, Tatyana Kanzaveli, my event pro...
DrV has shared their blog Parenting Solved
May 2, 2009
Gonna try to make it. Sounds like fun! Would love to meet you
HealthCamp Boston - April 21
Together with Mark Scrimshire, Shwen Gwee, and Joe Cerro, I am working on planning an upcoming un-conference: HealthCampBoston, to be held April 21, 8:30-4:30 in Cambridge, MA (the day before Health 2.0 - Boston). Contact me or any of the other planners via twitter or via the wiki linked to bel...
No, you're good. I'm the one who should be dusting off my OED. I was just having fun! Keep up the good work
Regional Hospital
Here in beautiful North Vancouver Island we have a problem. The Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) wants to spend money on us for a new regional hospital. The problem we have is that most people are in favour as long as it remains in their own community. Initially, VIHA paid a consulting ...
And what's a machination?
Regional Hospital
Here in beautiful North Vancouver Island we have a problem. The Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) wants to spend money on us for a new regional hospital. The problem we have is that most people are in favour as long as it remains in their own community. Initially, VIHA paid a consulting ...
I follow you on Twitter. Saw you were a recovering pediatrician and said to myself, 'Holy Toldeo, so am I. What's this guy's blog all about?" And you lead me to Dr. Cason, love that. Thanks. I'm on Twitter @Doctor_V
Regional Hospital
Here in beautiful North Vancouver Island we have a problem. The Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) wants to spend money on us for a new regional hospital. The problem we have is that most people are in favour as long as it remains in their own community. Initially, VIHA paid a consulting ...
Holy Toledo! If you spelled 'favour' differently and took out references to Vancouver I'd think you were talking about a city in the States. I thought Canada didn't suffer with this sort of thing. And I thought Czars were a Washington thing!
Regional Hospital
Here in beautiful North Vancouver Island we have a problem. The Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) wants to spend money on us for a new regional hospital. The problem we have is that most people are in favour as long as it remains in their own community. Initially, VIHA paid a consulting ...
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