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Lean and Green Cafe Sorrento Valley
9808 Scranton Rd #180, San Diego, CA 92121
Lean and Green Cafe´ Sorrento Valley brings their customers the best in organic health food, by eating lean, and thinking green. They offer only the freshest and finest organic produce, and offers a variety of option for every diet, such as vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, GMO and Pesticide free, aiming to satisfy the taste buds and the conscience of their valued customers. Their mission is to provide the healthiest of foods for their customers while making the least amount of impact on our environment as possible. 70% of Lean & Green’s orders are to go, although both settings offer beautiful dining atmospheres. Lean & Green Cafe´ offers catering services, delivery, online ordering, rewards programs for customer incentives.
Interests: Lean and Green Cafe Sorrento Valley
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Lean and Green Cafe Sorrento Valley is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 5, 2019