Megan {Velveteen Mind}’s Favorites
Blog: Everything Typepad
We had a ton of great feedback around the Facebook Like button for your blog's sidebar on the Everything TypePad blog post and in tickets. Thank you to everyone who contributed. One of the things...
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Blog: Megan Jordan Press Clips
I wanted to share this awesome blog post with you on the eve of the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. It is so beautifully written by someone who lost everything - EVERYTHING in this storm. Tide Loads of Hope has partnered with her to raise awareness of their efforts to help those in need of basic laundry facitilies following storms such as this and other disaster. Please, please read it, read her other Katrina posts linked at the bottom of her post. If you're shopping for laundry detergent this week consider purchasing a Tide Loads of Hope bottle which will...
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Blog: Megan Jordan Press Clips
I've just read a powerful blog post. It's by a hurricane Katrina survivor. I won't even try to tell you about's too powerful. She writes about the Tide campaign "Loads of Hope". When I saw the commercials about it I really was not all that impressed. I thought marketing. I was so wrong. Even with the economy in shambles we can still help. We can buy the Tide with the yellow cap. In doing so, we can help Loads of Hope. I hope you take the time to read the link. It really makes you realize how important clean...
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