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We must apply common sense and logic to all situations in our lives. Adults have the responsibility to care for children. Adults include parents. . . as well as judges with the State Legislatures. For any adult, including judges, to consider English common-law marriage for twelve-year-old girls and fourteen-year-old boys... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
Children's Minister Kevin Brennan of the UK revealed that there are up to 33 girls missing from the local school system and that they may have been victims of forced marriage. The English cases are only a piece of a greater worldwide problem. Mr. Brennan testified before the Commons Home... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
Accepting the truth about your gay child's marriage with a same sex person can be quite a big problem initially. The shock and perhaps some anger can make you feel miserable as you had notions about your son. You had a difficult task accepting your child was gay earlier, and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
I get a lot of emails from people who describe their marriage as "loveless. " Many ask for advice as to how to survive in such a marriage. And, overwhelmingly, the people who send these emails cite their children as the reason that you are continuing on in this way.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
Accepting the truth about your gay child's marriage with a same sex person can be quite a big problem initially. The shock and perhaps some anger can make you feel miserable as you had notions about your son. You had a difficult task accepting your child was gay earlier, and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
The United States family-based immigration is based on classification. Before the immigration service considers a person's immigration petition, a relationship must be established between the person and a U. S. citizen or a permanent resident. How soon the foreigner will be able to immigrate depends on whether his or her... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
When it comes to this topic, there are many things to consider. Here are some of them:1. The first year is the most importantThe first year of marriage is crucial for the future. If in this period everything goes right, the chances that your marriage would end are limited. It... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
I get a lot of emails from people who describe their marriage as "loveless. " Many ask for advice as to how to survive in such a marriage. And, overwhelmingly, the people who send these emails cite their children as the reason that you are continuing on in this way.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
One of the greatest joys in a marriage is becoming a parent. A child is a wonderful gift from God that brings joy as well as new stresses into the couple's life. If you allow it, children can put a strain on your marriage and come between the husband and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
I often hear from spouses (who are usually wives) that tell me they have chosen to stay in their "loveless marriage" for the sake of their children. They will often admit that they are not happy in their marriage. In fact, many will flat out say that they are very... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
Before starting a debate on early marriage you would need to define the parameters that label a marriage as 'early' and in what context married too young. In the United States, teenage pregnancies abound meaning that girls indulge in sex as early as 13 years old but there is no... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
From time to time, clients come into our office with the following scenario: "I have been married to my husband for 5 years. We have no children together. Our relationship has been up and down, and we were separated for about 3 months last year. During that time, I had... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
When people get married and decide as a couple to have children, they will often forget or not realize how their personal relationship with their spouse can affect their children. Children are impressionable, vulnerable and open to picking up behavior from their parents. married too young If the relationship between... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
Last night I saw the delightful movie, 'Julie and Julia. ' It was an inspirational film, based on two women who followed their passions and lived out dreams beyond their expectations. But that is not what compelled me to write on this sunny Saturday morning. No. It was Julia Child's... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
The United States family-based immigration is based on classification. Before the immigration service considers a person's immigration petition, a relationship must be established between the person and a U. S. citizen or a permanent resident. How soon the foreigner will be able to immigrate depends on whether his or her... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
The United States family-based immigration is based on classification. Before the immigration service considers a person's immigration petition, a relationship must be established between the person and a U. S. citizen or a permanent resident. How soon the foreigner will be able to immigrate depends on whether his or her... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
When your child is diagnosed with an eating disorder your life gets turned upside down. Your relationship with your spouse changes in ways you never could have imagined. How does your relationship with your spouse change We all know that with each child you have, there is less time and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
I often hear from spouses (who are usually wives) that tell me they have chosen to stay in their "loveless marriage" for the sake of their children. They will often admit that they are not happy in their marriage. In fact, many will flat out say that they are very... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
Children's Minister Kevin Brennan of the UK revealed that there are up to 33 girls missing from the local school system and that they may have been victims of forced marriage. The English cases are only a piece of a greater worldwide problem. Mr. Brennan testified before the Commons Home... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
You might have heard of the saying "Little drops of water fills the empty ocean". Just like the small and little drops of water can fill the entire empty ocean in the long run, so do is the purpose of Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). A systematic investment plan or SIP... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
The United States family-based immigration is based on classification. Before the immigration service considers a person's immigration petition, a relationship must be established between the person and a U. S. citizen or a permanent resident. How soon the foreigner will be able to immigrate depends on whether his or her... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
Accepting the truth about your gay child's marriage with a same sex person can be quite a big problem initially. The shock and perhaps some anger can make you feel miserable as you had notions about your son. You had a difficult task accepting your child was gay earlier, and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
Marriage is more than a commitment between two people to share each other's lives for a lifetime - it goes much deeper, including (usually) the start a family that eventually has children. As any married couple can tell you, having a child changes everything and involves much more than merely... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
Children's Minister Kevin Brennan of the UK revealed that there are up to 33 girls missing from the local school system and that they may have been victims of forced marriage. The English cases are only a piece of a greater worldwide problem. Mr. Brennan testified before the Commons Home... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog
You might have heard of the saying "Little drops of water fills the empty ocean". Just like the small and little drops of water can fill the entire empty ocean in the long run, so do is the purpose of Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). A systematic investment plan or SIP... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at verges885's blog