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This was admittedly a "campaign" event paid for by the developers. The Rovain mantra that if you "repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth" is outdated and ineffective. A company can hire all the shills in the world - it won't change the inevitable flow of oil, power steering fluid and garbage going uninterrupted down the hill into the Eno. Durham's Comprehensive Plan only allows mixed use in locations that avoid environmentally sensitive environments. This close to the Eno on a 45° hill? That's the living definition of "sensitive" - and the area certainly isn't "well-connected by multiple modes of transportation" as the Comprehensive Plan requires.
Developers unveil site plan, more details on controversial Publix center for north Durham
A crowd of more than one hundred packed the Mt. Sylvan United Methodist Church's sanctuary on North Roxboro on Thursday night to hear the latest from the development team proposing a Publix-anchored shopping center at the corner of Guess Road and Latta Road in north Durham. The logistics contr...
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Nov 19, 2015
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