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Recent Activity
this is the Viber Development Team :)
Thank you for this review of Viber, we appreciate it and happy to see the interest in our application.
I just wanted to add that SMS (text messaging) will be available, for free of course, through Viber on January-February.
If you have any questions - please feel free to ask me here, or visit our Support Forum at
the Viber Team.
Tapping Viber
ALTHOUGH I DON'T HAVE much time for voice calls made over data connections, I'm using both Skype and Viber on my iPod Touch because the handset doesn't have a 3G antenna. It's handy being able to make and take calls on the Touch while in wifi coverage and to walk the streets, travel on Irish Ra...
This is a member of the Viber Development Team!
Excuse me, my Czech is not so good, so I will write in English :)
Thank you for your review of Viber. we are very happy that so many people worldwide are interested in our application.
I would just like to add that Viber will soon be available also on other devices, and not only iPhone. the next one is Android, and it will happen in February-March. Viber will also allow to send Text Messages very soon.
If you have any question about Viber - please feel free to ask.
Thank you,
the Viber Team.
Viber je lepší Skype, vyzkoušejte
Aplikace Viber je důstojným vyzyvatelem Skypu. Tedy alespoň co se telefonování týče. Skype samozřejmě jako průkopník internetového telefonování a messagingu s multimilionovou celosvětovou základnou uživatelů hned tak něco nenahlodá, nicméně díky neskutečné jednoduchosti a sympatickému vzhledu ...
Hi everyone,
This is the Viber Team.
As we promised, I am now excited to announce that we have a new solution for the SMS-code problem!
If you still did not get the SMS (text message) with the activation code of Viber, please check out the following link that explains how to fix it:
Please let us know if this really helped you activate and use Viber.
we wish you Happy New Year!
the Viber Team.
Téléphoner gratuitement sur iPhone avec Viber
Viber sur iPhone est en train de faire un véritable carton. Cette application vous permet de téléphoner sans décompter votre forfait en passant par la 3G. Seule condition appeler des amis ayant eux aussi l'apps. L'avantage par rapport à Skype ou Fring, c'est que vous appelez directement le numer...
C'est l'équipe Viber!
Excuse me, my French is not so good, so I'll write in English :)
We are very happy to see this review about Viber. We understand that many French people are using Viber now, and we would like to be able to help you if you have some problems with it.
If you have any questions or suggestions about Viber, please feel free to ask.
Thank you and Merry Christmas,
the Viber Team.
Téléphoner gratuitement sur iPhone avec Viber
Viber sur iPhone est en train de faire un véritable carton. Cette application vous permet de téléphoner sans décompter votre forfait en passant par la 3G. Seule condition appeler des amis ayant eux aussi l'apps. L'avantage par rapport à Skype ou Fring, c'est que vous appelez directement le numer...
Viber is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 24, 2010
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