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Victoria Bessinger
Recent Activity
It is to everyone's benefit to have fair voting practices. Questions arose because of the timing and the methods of Governor Scott's effort.
In response to "A" 's comment, one has to wonder why the Republicans waited 12 years to recognize that there were widespread problems in the voting process in Florida. It was obvious to the rest of the country. Could it be that the problems worked in their favor until now?
Not everyone drives a car, has a scanner or uses e-mail.
Florida voter purge yields criminal probe into 2 noncitizen voters
Two Miami-Dade men caught up in a controversial voter-purge could face criminal charges for possibly casting unlawful ballots in Florida elections, The Miami Herald has learned. The cases of Neville M. Walters and Ramon Cue add a new layer of political complexity to Florida’s contentious nonciti...
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Jun 3, 2012
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