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Vince Ricci
Recent Activity
Hope so too, Nancy. Good to see you posting again.
Radiation in Japan
Above photo: Hiroshi Furukawa photos Below Map: Just World Map The first thing that people asked me when in the States in early June was, “How bad is it in Japan?” I gave the only possible answer, “Bad. Very, very bad.” Radiation is here to...
Vince Ricci added a favorite at Indigo Days
Jun 13, 2010
Vince Ricci is now following Nancy Singleton Hachisu
Jun 13, 2010
We are hosting visitors from New Orleans tonight. Perfect timing. Now I'm off to find new garlic.
New Garlic & Miso
When I mentioned seasonal garlic in one of my recipes, a friend asked, “Garlic has a season?” Oh yes, everything has a season. We just may not see it, especially for those ubiquitous everyday ingredients like potatoes, onions and garlic. But seasons they do have and their seasons should dict...
Vince Ricci is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 13, 2010
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