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East Coast Girl (not hip!)
Unabashed trash picker, flea market aficionado, thrift store hunter, and yard sale junkie; mom to an irrepressible little princess and a scholarly teenaged wizard; independent graphic designer.
Interests: I love paper ephemera (especially old handwriting and numbers), primitive cubbyhole pieces/things with drawers, baseball games, 1920s-era typewriters, glass doorknobs, dangly earrings, dirty martinis, outdoor flea markets with my husband, bunko nights with the babes, and the letter g.
Recent Activity
This blog is sorely neglected because everything is now documented on Instagram! Follow me there for real-time treasure hunting and first-look finds! You will find 2-3 fresh vintage sale events every week and a monthly vintage Christmas sale. You can also connect with me on my Facebook page: And my Etsy shop is still full of goodies (although most items are seen first on Instagram): See you all soon! Gina Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2019 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
Two weeks after the Clover Market opening day event, the second market premiered in its new location in Bryn Mawr, PA. It was a great spot, with lots of convenient parking and easy access. We had another day of beautiful weather and big crowds! I took the last of my typewriters and only have three left! This Underwood doesn't work, but the glass keys alone are very desirable. I love it as is for display. This scale went back to its true home -- the buyer had the same last name! Vintage Northern Tissue girl framed prints, cast iron shabby... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2015 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
It's still April, and the yard sales have still been sad. Last weekend there were two town-wides in my neighborhood, and though we split forces and divided, we did not conquer, as Mr. VJIMT and I both came home pretty much empty-handed. But we've still been busy. There have been two Clover Markets in the last 3 weeks, and they have been doozies! Fabulous weather, big crowds, and lots of treasures! I'm not going to bore you with more talking; we're going to get right to the photos. This post is from the first market of the season, in Chestnut... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2015 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
Another Clover Market season is upon us! I am sorting and pricing and packing for this Sunday's event in Chestnut Hill, PA. You will find me at all the other spring dates too! Those will take place in Bryn Mawr, PA on April 26, May 17, and June 7. See the Clover website for all the details, and please stop by and say hello! Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2015 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
I was really looking forward to the first Saturday in April, and the plethora of yard sales that usually come along with it. I'm not really sure what's happening, but there were only a couple of sales listed. The weather has not been cooperative, as it was still chilly and extremely windy, but the sun was out! I suppose the cold days are keeping folks from going through their things and making piles -- I know it's stopping me from organizing the Clover hoard on my enclosed deck -- but I was really hoping for a long day of sales.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2015 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
The last time you heard from me, I had just finished my first Clover Winter Market. Six weeks later, there hasn't been too much to report. It's been a cold and snowy winter, and today was the official start of the yard sale season with a neighboring town-wide. Sadly, there was SNOW in the forecast and, with only an expected high of 42 degrees, the sale was postponed. We managed to find a few sellers who stuck it out. I found this very old Philadelphia Mummers three-tiered umbrella. The cats are VERY interested in the feathery trim. And the ribbons.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2015 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
Last we spoke, I posted about the upcoming Clover Winter Market weekend. It was my first foray into the two-day, indoor extravaganza, and what an event -- I'm still not fully recovered! Fun friends, fabulous finds, and festive drinks -- what more could you ask for? Friday night Mr. VJIMT and I loaded in our wares -- two big cars full of vintage junk. Saturday morning brought in the early-bird buyers, who received bags of swag and free mimosas with their entrance fee. The weather was a little bit snowy, but that didn't stop the crowds. This was the front... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2015 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
If you are not local to the South Jersey/Philadelphia area and can't make the Clover Winter Market this weekend, don't worry -- there are still some vintage treasures for you out there! Along with a bunch of other vintage and antique dealers, I am participating in an online flea market this weekend, January 23/24/25. The Vintage Weekend Show is the brainchild of Mitzi (of Vintage Goodness and The Vintage List) and is scheduled to open for sales bi-monthly. Sign up here for the email newsletter and for further details. The dealer line-up is here; shop from Friday through Sunday, and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2015 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
Winter doldrums got you down? (see previous blog post). If you live in the South Jersey/Philadelphia area, join me and 60 other vendors at the 23rd Street Armory in Philly for this year's Clover Winter Market. Antiques, vintage, handmade, art, food trucks, and cocktails await you! I'll have some of these: and these: and these: and stuff like this: and this: and this (sans dust, of course!): in all kinds of shapes and sizes and colors (sans cat, of course!)… and, as always, a couple of these: …and lots, lots, more! Read more here, and hope to see you THERE! Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2015 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
I went to an estate sale Friday afternoon -- spied these three blue suitcases piled up in a hallway and ran to grab them! The sale was supposed to start at 2PM and when I got there at 1:56PM everyone was already inside, so I got lucky. Also got a bunch of books -- here's a World Atlas from Collier's -- filled with some cool maps. "Your Puppy" has some great illustrations. This was sitting by the register so I couldn't leave it. It was published in 1934. I don't even have a dog. January sucks. Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2015 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
I forgot to show you this super cool antique game wheel I found on one of those Facebook yard sale sites I posted about yesterday. It was dirt cheap, and made a great Christmas present for Mr. VJIMT and his game collection. You can see more of Mr. VJIMT's game board collection here. Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2015 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
Do you do any buying or selling via social media? I have been doing LOTS of it, mostly selling but some buying as well. As I said last week, I see many people selling on Instagram. I haven't yet, but that is my next enterprise. There are a couple of Facebook selling pages I'm involved with — one is the Flea Circus, a local group which has about 1000 members. This is a closed group; you have to ask to join, and then be approved. There are only a handful of approved sellers (I'm one), and most don't ship (I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2015 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
Welcome to Vintage Junk in My Trunk, the 2015 version. I hope to have some new and improved features for you this year. And, as always, some fun junking adventures and fabulous finds! First off, there will be no Etsy listing challenge this year -- I think 730 straight days of listing is more than enough, don't you? Ten days in, and I don't miss it in the least! I thought I would be doing it out of habit, but nope -- no desire or inclination at all. Now, this doesn't mean I'm not going to list, or have shop... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2015 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
…and that's it -- another year of the Etsy Project here at Vintage Junk in My Trunk! I honestly didn't think I'd be able to do another 365 days (like 2013), which is why I broke the challenge up into 90 day increments, but it actually was not too bad. I am NOT, however, doing the challenge in 2015. Although I was able to get through this year fairly easily, I am feeling a bit burned out and think I should end it before it gets the best of me. My blog has been neglected since June, with only weekly... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2014 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
Are you ready? I'm not, but I'm still listing… The Christmas items continue to sell, but not as fast and furious as in the last few weeks. Whew, it's been a whirlwind! I found these tree skirts (tablecloths?) stuffed inside a cupboard next to my workstation. Guess I was going to list them, and forgot. There are two, in two different sizes, covered with sequined felt appliques and green fringe trim. This Santa and his reindeer are pretty cute. The fringe is plastic. One more with Santa by his lonesome. I have a pair of these adorable plastic canvas and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2014 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
More Pyrex listed in the Etsy Project this week! Still Christmas-related though, with the snowflake pattern. This is the Black Snowflake divided casserole, with lid. Turquoise Snowflake space savers (no lids) to complete last week's listing. Fun Holt Howard Santas-in-cars candle holders (SOLD!). Another pair of candle holders -- sweet Christmas angels, with original "Japan" stickers. A white and gold porcelain praying angel, marked "MK 7/56". Remember the ceramic tree from last week? SOLD!, four days after I listed it. I decided not to go the ebay route, and I am happy with my decision. I may not have gotten... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2014 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
Sales continue to be brisk this holiday season, and this week's Etsy Project has a few non-Christmas-y items listed too! I don't collect Pyrex, although I have a recent appreciation for it. I do have a Friendship casserole dish (the reds and yellows go well in my kitchen), and thought about keeping this Orange Dot since it complements it, but decided it was too mod for me. I also own a Snowflake casserole with lid, and am still thinking of keeping a different size or two of these lidless ones. You know I like the aqua, and the snowflakes are... Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2014 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
The last of the Putz houses! They've been flying out of my shop almost as fast as I can list them. These two are already gone. I did keep a few for myself. Am still on the fence about this one. And this one. And maybe this one. Are you sensing a theme here? This one may be a church. This one is definitely a church, albeit in need of slight repairs. LISTING 330 - 336 330. Vintage Putz House Bottlebrush Tree White Red Putz SOLD! 331. Vintage Putz House Aqua Pink Large Japan Putz House 332. Vintage Putz House... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2014 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
Christmas is in the house -- the Putz house(s), that is! Lots and lots of Putz houses! They all have some issues, but that's what gives them their character. This yellow one is quite large and has a balcony. I'm selling these individually, but listing them in groups. [The aqua one has SOLD!] Some greens and a blue. A trio of reds, all SOLD! White with a red snowy roof [center with two trees SOLD!] More white ones, all SOLD! I'm still listing more Putz houses if that's what you're in the market for, but as you can see they... Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2014 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
It's all about the Christmas this week, and it's not even Thanksgiving yet! Holiday items have been flying out of my shop; most days my front door looks like this: First up in the Etsy Project listings -- vintage double indent and tube mercury glass bead garland in blue. Some issues, but still gorgeous! A shorter strand of garland, in gold and pink. Large Putz house, made in Japan. Crazy glittered Santa on styrofoam pedestal. Large Santa face blow mold light. Vintage silver bell, mercury glass bead and reindeer corsage. Sweet cherub angel with baby Jesus bisque figurine. And now... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2014 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
I love November! Blustery, chilly, brisk, beautiful, November. Actually, yesterday hit 70° in these East Coast parts, so it's not been that blustery (yet), but the sales in my Etsy shops sure have been brisk! I have been at the post office nearly every day with four or five packages -- and yes, I do visit the local post office instead of doing everything online. My computer and printer don't play nicely together, it's a convenient stop along my day's path, AND I get to chat with my favorite US postal workers Alice and Joey. So, win-win. Let's stock those... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2014 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
The Etsy 90 Project got right back on the Christmas track this week, with a few non-holiday items thrown in as well. First up, a set of NOS Lefton holly leaf candle holders. And these spun cotton head gnomes. My teenager was aghast when I informed him I have 5-foot, 6-foot, AND 7-foot vintage aluminum trees. Only the 7-foot gets displayed though; the others are for sale in my Etsy shop. I'm not insane! The kids were also horrified I was setting up the Christmas tree so early. This is the 5-footer. The 6-footer is in its original box and... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2014 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
Eight weeks until Christmas and I did not list a single holiday item in my shop for this week's Etsy Project 2014 listings. Crazy, huh? My original shop has been a bit neglected, and I just happened to have some sweet treasures that were just begging to be listed, so here they are: Fabulous vintage PINK Hanson scale. Pink! Perfect for nursery or in your kitchen to accompany the pink Pyrex. Antique wood plane with the initials "J. K." emblazoned on the side. Maybe Ms. Rowling will purchase. Just Kidding? Vintage velvety woodland tapestry featuring some deer frolicking. Perfect gift... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2014 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
My original Etsy shop has been feeling kind of neglected lately, so I thought I would try to get a few more items listed there. This is the first Cathrineholm piece I've ever found in the wild. It's scratched, but still highly collectible and should bring a decent return. I can only find one other Lotus pattern black plate on the internet, and it's listed for nearly $250 (in mint condition). This sweet little metal airplane has been displayed in our home for a while, and now Mr. VJIMT has put it in the sell pile. This seed sower was... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2014 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk
I really hope you're not tired of seeing vintage Christmas listings, because this is only the tip of the iceberg! This week I listed more mica glittered, stenciled Shiny Brites. Here is one featuring the "Three Wise Men." (SOLD!, but I have two) A pink "Merry Christmas." And a blue one, with no mica glitteriness. Another pink "Merry Christmas", this time with stripes. A "Silent Night" ornament, like last week, but without any mica glitter, and in a solid red. A set of four stenciled scenes, including a toy train, some dolls, and holiday candles. The lone item listed in... Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2014 at Vintage Junk in My Trunk