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let us assume that your reasons for wishing for the UK to leave the EU are such that a Leave vote is the appropriate position for a rational observer.
What do you think the actual real world effect of such a vote will be? Will it achive you desired goals? What will be the costs and benefits over the short and medium term?
Including, specifically, do you not think that a win will promote Nigel Farage and his nationalistic, racist, populism to be a leading feature of UK politics for the next 20 years?
Vote Remain: a simple decision
At the start of the EU referendum campaign, I was mildly in favour of Remain. My position has changed. It is now strongly for Remain. This is not another example of asymmetric Bayesianism. Had the debate been a high-minded one about the merits of the EU, my position would probably not have chang...
VinylTiger is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 20, 2016
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