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“I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2012 at Violets chocolate and books
Black Friday nightmare! Well first of all I really had no intention of going out to this years Black Friday. My sister came buy with my niece and invited us to go out and accompany them to the local mall. And since being full from eating dinner that night I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 24, 2012 at Violets chocolate and books
Where do I begin? Well first of all I will wonderfully admit that when Stephanie Meyers first came out with her first novel Twilight I first noticed the book at the Scholastic book fair that was being held in our local library. I remember walking over and picking up that... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2012 at Violets chocolate and books
Definition of the word "Pet Peeve" Web definitions an opportunity for complaint that is seldom missed; "grammatical mistakes are his pet peeve". What is a pet peeve? Answer: It's your favorite minor complaint. It's when someone, or somethings, actions really irritate you and you just can't stand it. It... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2012 at Violets chocolate and books
I have been reading so many reviews about the new iPad mini that I have definitely come to a conclusion, that I did it right this time by choosing the iPad 3. When I first heard about the iPad mini It struct me that wow! I want one, and then... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2012 at Violets chocolate and books
Still in the box Out of the box -it's so pretty isn't it? Well I finally received my new iPod touch 5! I tried looking everywhere even the apple store but they sold out so fast and yes it did come out a week earlier which I never knew but... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2012 at Violets chocolate and books
My cat does not have cancer... The huge lump that was on my cat eventually went away I am so happy and relieved. I really never found out what it was but it sure worried me to death. This cat sleeps, eats and is just my best friend. I have... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2012 at Violets chocolate and books
I feel so bad my conscience is killing me a little. I found this huge lump on my cats right leg on Friday and I have no idea what it is. I've gone on the net to see if other people have had this same problem and i really haven't... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2012 at Violets chocolate and books
I was just surfing the net looking up information about sea life and coral reef located in the North pacific ocean. When this information about a found mermaid that was discovered. I know quite a few stories have surfaced about undiscovered creatures and animals that we thought were nonexistent, but... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2012 at Violets chocolate and books
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