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Thank you Ralph. Correct link is though.
New this week in upFront.eZine: we talk with Russia's ASCON about Renga Architecture
upFront.eZine issue #853 In this week's issue of upFront.eZine newsletter, we have for you an exclusive interview about the world's newest AEC software: ASCON Group Launches Renga Architecture by Ralph Grabowski with Vladimir Zakharov You can read all about the business of CAD at http:/...
It was just a prototype. Now Renga lives at
Renga Architecture is brand-new AEC software by an MCAD vendor
From ASCON Group Saint Petersburg's ASCON Group is best known for its MCAD software KOMPAS-3D. As the largest Russian CAD vendor, it has concentrated on the MCAD market for more than 20 years, along with more recent projects like its C3D geometric kernel and DEXMA cloud-based PLM system. Wh...
Thank you Ralph. Have you had a chance to design something in the system yet? Look forward to hearing the very first feedback from you. I'm happy to be of any assistance.
Renga Architecture is brand-new AEC software by an MCAD vendor
From ASCON Group Saint Petersburg's ASCON Group is best known for its MCAD software KOMPAS-3D. As the largest Russian CAD vendor, it has concentrated on the MCAD market for more than 20 years, along with more recent projects like its C3D geometric kernel and DEXMA cloud-based PLM system. Wh...
Vmzakharov is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 13, 2015
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