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Vickel Narayan
Auckland, New Zealand
Academic Advisor (Learning Technologies), Unitec New Zealand
Interests: Web 2.0 tools,Technology,Football
Recent Activity
Pixelpipe HD
Pixelpipe HD - should be a cool app to use on the iPad for blog posts and status updates! Test post from the iPhone. Pixelpipe HD Pixelpipe HD should be a cool app to use on the iPad now for blog posts and status updates. Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2010 at Social eLearning
Peer review rubric
Loading... Live link to the form: Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Social eLearning
Gilly Salmon - 5 Stage Model
A model probably for use with level 3-4 students as it is focused on discipline (teacher - content) ..... you could always modify it to suit your context and for use with Web 2.0 tools. As is, it is more inclined towards OLD pedagogical practices in class just a bit... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2010 at Social eLearning
Vickel Narayan is now following Deeso Solly
Oct 10, 2010
How's it?
Your prezi is great Chris .... maybe what you can do is pull together your concept map and the framework mainly how or why you think they complement each other and in what ways if they did. Maybe one of those videos you have done - it will be easier.
Concept map that lead to another
So what learning might happen if? A good opening question, so what's in a concept? An idea that may or may not work or be of value, yet is because you have made the concept overt. Well that's my interpretation, so I highlighted the word concept and looked it up in the dictionary, which states: c...
Would you like to acknowledge 'someone' for the concept map? I would just like to query the pedagogical underpinning of the concept map. I know you have done the 3P's video but I would like you to discuss the concept map in relation to some pedagogical framework.
Concept Map and Fame work
Acknowledgements: Vickel Narayan for his help in constructing this map and fame work Although this map has changed slightly with the implementation it gives a break down on how exactly these tools were going to be used. The video theory has been supplemented by Electude (see report one) which g...
"now you need to think how you can make or in-cooperate CAD in your framework" <-- this is not doing away with CAD but just re-thinking an approach that would some how incorporate this or the process in the framework --> have a look at this link maybe this will help -->
How is it? I thought that I had posted this but... Have been working for a while, in collaboration with a few others, on designing a personal teaching framework. The purpose of this is to create a link between new and emerging learning technologies and social learning theories. Download Ptf for ...
Eureka - GDHE (Student video - shares his...
Eureka - GDHE (Student video - shares his "moment") Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2010 at Social eLearning
Good one!
Latour meets the digital natives: What do we really know: Stephen Sheely
In this paper Sheely critiques Prensky,M (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5). He looks at Prensky’s evidence for claiming that digital natives think differently due to the interaction with digital technology and claims that his figures are just estimates with little...
Hi Scott
Good post but I would like to hear your comments after reading this: Sheely, S. (2008). Latour meets the digital natives: What do we really know. Paper presented at the Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology? ASCILITE 2008. from
Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Marc Prensky
In this paper Marc Prensky talks about and explains the differences between Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. He explains how with the advancements of technology the digital natives now even think differently. That with using different parts of their brains and acquiring different skills, ...
Love it!!!! Great video Kamuka .... a good mix ..... how do you think mobile technology empowers our learners? You touched on context and authenticity of the learning environment (PBL) .... how else does mLearning impact on learning? Maybe you can write this bit on your blog ...... Love the video!!!!!
post entry 7
#SLT10 - Teaching framework
#SLT10 remember you don't have to create a new framework, you could always adopt one and remix to suit your teaching context. Please just be careful to acknowledge the person(s) work you are using and be able to justify your stand. Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2010 at Social eLearning
#SLT10 - This may help you if you haven't seen it...
#SLT10 - This may help you if you haven't seen it already. (Connectivism) Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2010 at Social eLearning
Good job Scott!!
I am interested to see your framework and how it creates room for the 3 P's.
The Three P's of Pedagogy for the Networked Society: Personalization,. Participation, and Productivity
In this video i discuss how web 2 tools can help to reinforce the concepts and ideas of pedagogy 2 and the living curriculum. I come to the relation that all forms of communications aid pedagogy 2 and that web 2 tools help this communication when not in a classroom environment. I discuss Buzz(go...
read up on "zone of proximal development" and maybe something that will add to what you are talking about above is this video: by Ken Robinson
post entry 6
Ashton-Warner,(2009) talks in depth about the importance of associating the individuals’ past with education. She believes that in order for educators to maximize student learning we need to understand what is important to the learner and create or use words that will be remembered by ...
Hi Chris
After a quick look:
1. a good start
2. maybe presenting the map in some other format would add a bit more clarity - at the moment it seems the tools are used individually - no clear indication of how they work together.
3. I would probably do away with the last box(CAD & Web 2) - you have web 2 covered now you need to think how you can make or in-cooperate CAD in your framework ... maybe something you can consider is focusing on the method rather then the end production ..... so something that could be done is a blog post as a reflective exercise after students have completed their CAD drawings outlining their method.
Hope the comments above help.
How is it? I thought that I had posted this but... Have been working for a while, in collaboration with a few others, on designing a personal teaching framework. The purpose of this is to create a link between new and emerging learning technologies and social learning theories. Download Ptf for ...
Have to say Kamuka excellent summary of the 2 readings! I find attitude towards technology to be the biggest determining factor not so much what year one was born. Few other things I think about that have an impact on how one reacts to new technology are the social background, dynamics at home and purpose.
post entry 3
Digital natives are here I clicked on a hyper link provided by our facilitators as suggested readings, it opened up and I automatically clicked the print button. As I read the printed version I begin to realise that I possibly fall into a digital immigrant category. Sheely (2008) compares t...
Hi Scott
Good post, maybe your next post could what are the characteristics of Pedagogy 2.0 and how Web 2.0 tools complement the process. What is the relation between the two and how they influence each other. What impact it has on learning and teaching.
McLoughlin, C., & Lee, M. Mapping the digital...
McLoughlin, C., & Lee, M. Mapping the digital terrain: McLoughlin,C and Lee,M.J.W talk about the change in pedagogy or pedagogy 2 but is this really a change? Or is it in fact an old or ancient why of learning e.g. experiencing it for your selves. As intelligent scented beings, is not living...
Good one, when you made this claim, "It is proven that visual aids are successful and Images that can be accessed and displayed at any moment, and could possibly allow for strong and in depth reflection.". It would be a good idea to back it up with some references (citations) from people who have done some research on it ...... it will add more weight to the claim you made.
post entry 2
Accommodating for varying learning styles Learning styles are measured by the preference or habit of how an individual may learn best and not to be confused with the individual’s ability. Ervine & York, (1995) talks about how learning styles can be defined as the cognitive, affective and physio...
Good one Kamuka! I good mix of theory, reflection and evidence of use in class. Looking forward to your other blog posts.
post entry 4
Laurillard's Conversational Model - Google this to...
Laurillard's Conversational Model - Google this to read more on what she proposes (Pic attached). Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2010 at Social eLearning
Industrial revolution and education - Sir Ken...
Industrial revolution and education - Sir Ken ROBINSON Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2010 at Social eLearning
Good job guys ..... wonderful discussion!!!!
Chris and Scott discussing pedagogy and Web 2.0 - GDHE
Chris and Scott discussing pedagogy and Web 2.0 - GDHE
Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2010 at Social eLearning
“Is our first assessment reading ten significant papers and commenting on them really encompassing the concepts of E-learning and the living curriculum or is it just transferring the paper-based ideas from the past to the web?”
The assessment events and even the assessment rubric don’t require you to simply regurgitate what you have read, it has an element of critical thinking and analysis – Assessment rubric- “Associations with your current practice in Class Justifications of: (1) How do the ideas fit/doesn't fit with your practice in class and (2) potential impact on student learning.” As you identified in your post “incorporate practices that focus on the student capacity to analyse their own knowledge, practice independent judgment and evaluate their own and others performance”, do you not feel the course so far and the assessment is asking you to do this? Normally similar assessments are written essays of about 3000 words. The reason we asked for 10 blog posts was to provide guidance, feedback, allow a degree of authenticity in the process and create a social presence for collaboration (Twitter).
What we expect you to be able to do from your readings is identify areas in your practice that could be done differently and perhaps effectively, be able to justify what you will be doing and why. From things we have done in class and some Web 2.0 tools we have demoed, you should be able to appropriate them in a way that suits your context for learning and teaching.
There are many cases where people use technology for the sake of using it with no clear understanding or pedagogical underpinnings. We don’t want to encourage this hence practice with regard to theory is important.
I have just read Catherine McLoughlin and Joe Luca...
I have just read Catherine McLoughlin and Joe Luca paper on developing dynamic and authentic forms of e-assessment "Beyond marks and measurement" and it struck me. Is our first assessment reading ten significant papers and commenting on them really encompassing the concepts of E-learning and the ...
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