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Denver, Colorado
Recent Activity
Gorgeous, healthy food, this is so inspiring!
Toggle Commented Jan 10, 2015 on coming round to a year at bee creative cooking
1 reply
Looks wonderful, thanks!
Toggle Commented Oct 28, 2014 on vermont getaway giveaway at house wren studio
I envy you the first-time experience of Kristin Lavransdatter. I loved that trilogy and do believe it's time for a reread. And I might read S. Undset's other books, too, now that you've touched on this. :)
Toggle Commented Jul 15, 2014 on Hot and Bright at Posie Gets Cozy
Beautiful! And in complete agreement about the growing and controlling. ;) xo
Toggle Commented Jul 1, 2014 on lost in the garden again. at bee creative
1 reply
Cindy, this is superb! Yes, all woven together. xoxo
Toggle Commented Jul 1, 2014 on moon weaving at handstories
It all looks and sounds wonderful -- a great giveaway, once again!
Toggle Commented Jun 29, 2014 on vermont sponsors and a giveaway at house wren studio
You followed your heart and look where you are now! So happy for you, I'm thinking you deserve this happy ending/beginning. xoxo
Toggle Commented Jun 17, 2014 on couldn't have imagined at handstories
Gorgeous strawberries! I can only imagine because if we grow them, they're either stunted or half eaten by critters and if we buy them, they're huge and not that great-tasting. But you do live in strawberry country, after all, right? :) xo
1 reply
Love this and very good timing, too. :) xo
Toggle Commented May 14, 2014 on mooning at handstories
Anticipating Small Journeys -- they make me smile!
Toggle Commented May 14, 2014 on Scraps of Self Lessness at Spirit Cloth
1 reply
The heart of a tree. Sigh. Lovely! xx
Toggle Commented May 1, 2014 on underpinning* at handstories
Like it was meant to be cut all along. And Soul-o is proving to be a natural for the camera, the darling!
Toggle Commented May 1, 2014 on Cutting through NoWhere at Spirit Cloth
1 reply
A dandelion dye-pot, what a good idea! xx
Toggle Commented May 1, 2014 on revisions in knitting at bee creative
1 reply
Cindy, this is huge. Your time, your skill, your teaching helped make this come to be. It's just wonderful. Makes me realize how much we need teachers and mothers like you. That Moon will grow into a good man, I know. xoxoxo
Toggle Commented Apr 26, 2014 on celebrities at handstories
Oh, I really like this post, Cindy. Whole new worlds being made. And I love the blues in several photos in the previous post -- how they match -- beautiful. I'm starting to associate that perfect shade of blue with you! xoxo
Toggle Commented Apr 22, 2014 on the marks we make at handstories
This is so great, especially the labor story. When I wanted an upper ear piercing, one of my boys was horrified and talked me out of it. Then a few years later my girls tried to talk me into have my nose pierced. I didn't do either but always wish I would've done my nose even though I don't really want it now. How did I miss the tattoo? Have you shown it? I'm not a girly-girl either although I admire people who are because it certainly seems like a lot of work. And I loved your dream and what you made of it. xoxo
Toggle Commented Apr 11, 2014 on girly-ing it up with the blue at handstories
Yes, 3 very beautiful things. Especially Hazel. xo
Toggle Commented Apr 9, 2014 on 3 beautiful things at bee creative
1 reply
These are beautiful and what photos! Speaking of aligning and learning -- I'm so happy about your new class, feels like home even though it's new (and I'm usually one of the silent ones). Maybe that'll change. :)
1 reply
The light and softness does come through. Like a soft breeze, not too warm, not too cold. Just right! xxx
Toggle Commented Mar 18, 2014 on signs of contentment at handstories