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Cincinnati, Ohio
Stay-at-home Mom, raised in the South
Interests: Stamping, Scrapbooking, Organic foods, Walking
Recent Activity
I have always loved Dawn McVey's sentimetns in her handwritng... but i have to say that i really like the new Stylish Sentiments. it will be on my wish list for sure! Happy 6th Anniversary PTI!
Love all of the projects! oh so many possibilities!!! i do have girls so i will make some bows!!
I found 16 bunnies what great projects! Cant wait to see the reveal!
Toggle Commented Feb 14, 2013 on Spring Fling at {capture the moment}
oh yes! i want to try some of the watercolor techniques! love all of the samples!
I'm not sure about the ikat stamp but the Hello There card is my favorite so i might like that ikat stamp just fine! love the watercolor effect! love the hello die and the alphabet dies. Cant wait to see more!
Yes! i am very excted to see more flowers. cant wait to see the whole release!
I liked them all but i like the Orchid Resin Collection the best.
Oh I love the word die cuts and the sunflowers! cant wait to see more
You had me at the cute house and then... 30 degrees cooler??? may i come live with you and be your new best friend? cant wait to hear all about your adventures and new life in RI/ sounds intriguing! i missed the kind of school J is going to for a year... can you tell us more? best wishes!
Toggle Commented Aug 1, 2012 on and the adventure begins at Stephanie Howell
1 reply
I dont like wordless - your words always make me smile and marvel at how nicely you can turn a phrase. Happy Packing! Funny cute picture wish i could see her expression under the mask!
Toggle Commented Jul 20, 2012 on wordless wednesday at Stephanie Howell
1 reply
Probably the one of my sweet mother before she had a big decline and lost her battle to cancer. It is of my mother, me(much younger and thinner) and my then 8 month old baby girl. We were sitting in a porch swing and my Mom looked great. You would never know she was sick to look at her. very special to me.. it was in the 90's, we had the big glasses and i love it! my baby is 18 now :-)
oh yes! i would LOVE to win either of these -love them! lavendar and honey yum!
well it is all so fabulous it is hard to pick one or 2 things but i really liked the arrows from tangerine that Stephanie used on her LO and i loved thr bluebell paper, the teal everyday ones.
Love the fabulous frames. wonderful samples espcialy the cupcake one with the polaroid frame and the I'm so sorry card. Beautiful!
Love the camera and the polaroid. love what you did with them!
love the new cases and all of the samples. Cant wait to see more...
Adorable pictures! love love love this line oh my! love it!!!! you did a great job with your samples; so very talented!
1 reply
So sorry for your loss Laura!
Toggle Commented May 24, 2012 on Until I Return at ... just Laura
1 reply
I take in store classes. but i am not opposed to online, just havent taken the time to sign up. I like both compelted projects and new technigues. Would love a copy of your book ♥
1 reply
the flip flop dies are so cute. endless possibilities would love to win!
Toggle Commented May 11, 2012 on Introducing Flipping Out at {capture the moment}
1 reply
LOVE love love the layout as i always do! would love to win the special issue!
1 reply
VictoriaSchnorr is now following Erika Hayes
Apr 20, 2012
Love your wedding layouts and would love to win this issue!
1 reply
Strawberries and cream!!! we buy juicy organic strawberries and make fresh whipped cream with sugar, vanilla & heavy whipping cream.. mmmnnn can't wait! sometimes we add angel food cake but just the strawberries and cream alone are wonderful - my daughter could eat a whole quart at one sitting! loved the samples today too!