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Artist, teacher, homebody wannabe.
Interests: keeping my head up in the sea of life - looking for that art raft. meanwhile,i knit, i ride, i walk the dog.
Recent Activity
Enjoying an early spring
Winter never arrived this year, so spring is a little anti-climatic, but still the warm days are seductive and there is nothing like a late afternoon hike in shorts and no sleeves near a babbling brook. We love taking the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2015 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Early morning starts
We've been getting up early this winter (and now spring) thanks to JC's new job. We get up in the dark, and after he leaves I drink my coffee, catch up on magazines that have arrived, and browse through Flipboard... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2015 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Toxin purging
Have you ever realized that something you didn't even realize was toxic was poisoning you and when it disappeared from your life you suddenly felt better? Sadly enough, this is the topic that sent me racing over to my blog... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2015 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Watermelon mint lemonade on a summer afternoon
Today seemed like a good day to make something in the kitchen - I'm going to head down to the studio in just a bit and start working on some ideas that have been floating around in my head, I've... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Days 28 - 31; the end is only the beginning
Well, what to say to wrap things up? 30 days was only the beginning, so there's no real wrap up. It was great, it was transformative, it was addictive. I love this mare. I feel like I have been waiting... Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Days 27 & 28: Swap Meets, Clinics & Horse Feet
It was a beautiful weekend, warm and a little breezy. The kickoffs to summer (the Choo Choo Swap Meet, the Home Show, and Taste of Sierra) were all happening at the fairgrounds, and most of the dressage riders at the... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Days 24-26: Still at it
We're still going, and now the dailines of it is becoming habit, which was probably the point all along. Some days its easy to get there, some days its hard to get there. Janet suggested I just forget the days... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 30: Catching up
Yesterday's ride gave me just a hint if how exhilarating it will be to start working on reining or cutting with Rhea - we worked so hard with Hilke we were both trembling & sweaty when we finally got that... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Days 18 & 19: Long!
Even though we are up early on Easter Sunday we are all sleepy; canines and humans. We had a very long, busy couple of days and could use a day at home catching up. Day 18 was not a riding... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 17: Back to work
Let me just say that this was an awesome riding day. I got a lot of help from Janet and Hilke on picking up the right lead, Rhea and I worked very hard together and were ultimately successful, and then... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 16: Cooling
I drove down thinking about loping and right leads but baby girl was still stiff & sore. Some days you just have to go with the flow. I could tell she wasn't feeling great & I talked to L, who's... Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 15: Easy Does It
Poor girl wasn't feeling so hot the day after her vaccines & had developed some edema on the side of her neck where she got the 5-way. She wasn't the only one; sounds like almost 10% of the horses had... Continue reading
Posted Apr 16, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Days 13 & 14: Wild wind and Vet visits
It's all over the place - the spring weather. All winter we enjoyed mild, sunny days and now, with spring firmly in place, we get everything. Its nothing new - spring is always the most variable of the seasons in... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 12: weather 1, riding 0
After a little bit of a frustrating day of errands and one thing leading to another, this is what I drove down to when I finally broke free for my ride. A bolt of lightning caught my eye as I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 11: Reinforcement
Riding everyday is transformational- it changes everything between the rider and the horse. And it's not that you are killing each other, although I am tired so I know Rhea must be feeling it too. We're just in more of... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 10: Recovery
This could become a habit. It's a rhythm you get into with your horse and it is addicting. The only issue, for me, is that I've had to trade off time in the studio for time in the saddle because... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 9 - Reinforcement
Another beautiful day in the Sierra and another ride. 82 degrees with a light breeze blowing in the afternoon. We had one thing to accomplish and that was to pick up the right lead. It's nice riding every day cause... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
And on the 8th day we worked...
As we hurdle into spring and 80 degree weather (what??? a week ago I was freezing cold!) I am getting into a groove of riding and reaping the benefits that only consistency can bring. Its early yet, I know, but... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 7
Day off with pay! One week after starting this and we've gone from snow to 78 degrees. Today was a rest day for us. Grooming, fussing, and a little tack cleaning in the glorious sun. This warm weather continues for... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 6
Lovely day.... 10 degrees warmer than yesterday. Also lovely ride. As I was walking to the mare motel I could see all the girls clustered at the back corner of their pasture with attention riveted on something. I walked all... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 5 - the reward
Thank you, thank you! For the day, for the horse, for the life. Today was effortless, from getting there to riding out - a lovely, breezy but not hellaciously windy afternoon. We rode out in the foothills on sandy trails,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 4... showing up.
That's about all you can say regarding some days. And I suppose that has to be enough although it doesn't help with the voices inside my head telling me to toughen up. What happened to the woman who spent all... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 3, Ride 3 Breezy, cool, partly cloudy. It was...
Day 3, Ride 3 Breezy, cool, partly cloudy. It was an arena ride and we worked on anticipation, rounding, and diagonals. She's really stiff to the right and I wonder if I'm the one stiff to the right. Trotting to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Day 2, Ride 2
Today's ride was all about the rider, not so much the horse. It was cold, breezy, snowy, rainy, hailing.... there were at least 101 reasons not to ride. And normally I might have used one of these along with "its... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2014 at You can fool the fans - but not the players.... John Cage
Well thanks, ! I just checked your blog in hopes of seeing a new post - and would love to see what you've done on the Alabama Chanin jacket. I took the Craftsy course as well and made it as far as buying the pattern! I can't decide if I like the jacket, I can't decide what color to make it if I do like it, and I'd love to see what someone else has done with it.
I'm on a roll to post about my riding this month, but I'll try to get some sewing in as well!
Overcoming blogaphobia
Jeez - what happened? I used to be a blogging fool but then, suddenly, everything changed. And I'm not happy about it. Social media is fine, great for quick updates & sharing things on the run, but for the real, gritty stuff? Nothin' like a blog post. So I'm back. And I've probably lost what rea...
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