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Veronica Wooten
Recent Activity
WAIT!!! A 1 lb. hershey bar all to myself DOES bring me joy!! I just remembered!
No Shari - there is NOT. Not a single damned thing brings me joy. Ever.
Yeh. It's great. Until you discover no one in the house knows how to unload it except you and they continue to pile the dirty dishes into the sink. Then you unload the clean dishes, load up the dirty ones and have a full machine all over again. I was without a dishwasher for over a year. I got used to continually washing dishes, drying them and putting them away - sometimes 3, 4, 5 times a day. Then we got a new dishwasher. It wasn't a Godsend. Instead, I loathe it - the constant unloading of the damned thing. Drives me NUTS. I could wash an entire dinner's dishes in less time than I can unload that stupid thing. But you enjoy your new machine - until the novelty wears off.
As you should be. That is why my blog is tagged, "Tellin' it Like it Is" - For all of you who are faint of ear and heart - do NOT follow the link - you will regret it. And if you do, and your eyes burn out of your head from the profanity you encounter - I WARNED YOU. Therefore, you cannot sue me.
Toggle Commented Mar 28, 2010 on Just wondering at Raisin-a-ruckus One Day at a Time
Yeh. I read your blog. And I have a few things to say about it.
Toggle Commented Mar 28, 2010 on Just wondering at Raisin-a-ruckus One Day at a Time
Veronica Wooten is now following raisinaruckus
Mar 28, 2010
Veronica Wooten is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 22, 2010