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Ann Hayes-Bell
I'm a librarian Mom who digs hanging out with her 3 young kids and hunky husband.
Recent Activity
Thanks for some fun prizes!
The Organized and Inspired Scrapbooker helped me become a better scrapbooker. Thanks Wendy and Aby! I use jars and metal garden pots from IKEA for storage. I took Wendy's BPS organizer class and created a scrapbook organizer task notebook on 3x5 note cards. I loosely follow my own instructions for keeping organized.
In celebration of our celebration perhaps a little singing is in order . . (to the tune of Mary Had A Little Lamb) Mary had a scrapbook room scrapbook room, scrapbook room. Mary had a scrapbook room as tidy as could be. She put her ribbon into jars, into jars, into jars. She put her ribbon i...
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Mar 15, 2010
Ann Hayes-Bell is now following Ali Edwards
Dec 29, 2009
Ann Hayes-Bell is now following Malia
Nov 24, 2009
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