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Hey,I hope you are spending a great time during summer tme.This is mainly to tell you how touched I was reading an honest confession, a true one,the one titled Paris' Blog On The Season Finale.It is a bless to know the perfect time to have a look at you life,to evaluate yourself, to set a goal for your future and to know how to love for being loved.This is it ,this is your moment,your life so care about who mean a lot for you and once whom you feel that there is an exchange of loyalty,friendship and love but let the others collapse in their arrogance and selfishness.Finally, continu the path of your project and continue fighting and spreading your love,care YOUR CALL.
Paris' Blog On The Season Finale
Turning 30 is a big deal. To me, turning 30 means taking things more seriously. I’m growing up, which is a scary, yet really exciting, thing. I used my 20s as an excuse to party and try new things, good and bad. My thirties will be very different. Turning thirty means working to build my empir...
WaelJAmmar is now following Paris Hilton
Sep 13, 2010
WaelJAmmar is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 13, 2010
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