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mama :: knitter :: crafter :: blogger
Recent Activity
well i've always wanted a pair of aurora's! thanks for the chance, amanda! :-)
Aurora Shoe Company {a soulemama sponsor}
Greetings from Aurora Shoe Company! The Aurora Shoe Company was founded on the idea that a good pair of shoes should be made well and fit comfortably. We use American made materials and create all of our shoes in house and by hand. Assembled organically, using simple cuts of leather and m...
well, its been a while since i've been around in blogland here...but i just have to comment and say i have always loved the look of, and philosophy behind, aurora shoes but have never actually had a pair of my own - i would adore some! :-)
SouleMama Sponsor ~ Aurora Shoe Company
Today, we bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Aurora Shoe Company. In Alyssa's words: "The Aurora Shoe Company was founded on the idea that a good pair of shoes should be made well and fit comfortably. We use American made materials and create all of our shoes in house and by hand. ...
a new year, a new start...
well, my's a new year. and it's a new start here on this little ol' blog of mine. i've been doing important things, yes...but i've missed my time here. i've missed my connections with you, my dear readers (i... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2013 at waldorf mama
what an amazing and generous giveaway! :)
SouleMama Sponsor ~ Imagine Childhood ~
Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Imagine Childhood. In Sarah's words: " ... a little nature... a little imagination... a lot of play. Toys, tools and activities for growing minds. Imagine Childhood is a family owned and operated company offering high quality environment...
great giveaway! we love imagine childhood. :)
SouleMama Sponsor ~ Imagine Childhood ~
Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Imagine Childhood. In Sarah's words: " ... a little nature... a little imagination... a lot of play. Toys, tools and activities for growing minds. Imagine Childhood is a family owned and operated company offering high quality environment...
past knitting projects...
i have been seriously delinquent in keeping up with my ravelry project page (something which i am usually both compelled and eager to do), so here are a few of my completed knitting/felting projects from this past spring and summer... Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2012 at waldorf mama
waldorfmama sponsor :: sarah's silks
today, i'd like to introduce you to a new waldorfmama sponsor...sarah's silks! although a newcomer to this blog, this lovely shop has been in existance for many years - providing colorful silks, dress-ups and other waldorf-inspired wonders to families and... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2012 at waldorf mama
new additions to the shop...
i've made a couple of new additions to the shop this week... new bloom dress/tunic: and a newborn silk pilot cap: Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2012 at waldorf mama
some knitting...
oh yes, and i did a bit of knitting while i was away, too. quite a bit, actually (it kept me calm and centered amidst all the change). so now i have a few bloom dresses and felted water bottle... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2012 at waldorf mama
how it all happened...
it all began in march. we weren't really looking to purchase a home just yet (although that was certainly one of our longterm future goals), as living in our little studio apartment was working quite well and we were enjoying... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2012 at waldorf mama
a funny thing happened...
well, my dear friends, a funny thing happened on the way to my next blog post - i got lost! lost in the wonderful (sometimes stressful, oftentimes joyous) world of buying our dream home (on two glorious acres just down... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2012 at waldorf mama
anna ~ yes, i'm still here! i must apologize for the long unexpected absence from my blog space. we've been in the process of MOVING to our lovely new dream home (a very unexpected and spontaneous move!), just up the road from our beloved waldorf school! look for a big upcoming explanatory post SOON!
and yes, the details on the little dress i knit for annabel can be found here on my ravelry page. :)
at squam
When you combine a beautiful lakeside New England place, inspiring teachers, ridiculous amounts of woolen goodness (oh, the knits!), several hundred creative women (with a few men!), and a few very special little babies....well, the result could be nothi...
recent felting projects...
i just finished up the custom order i've been working on for a rainbow yoga mat bag and matching water bottle carrier... pattern(s): joelle hoverson's felted yoga mat bag and my felted water bottle carrier my ravelry notes: rainbow felted... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2012 at waldorf mama
another beautiful knit, amanda! i adore tikki's patterns...
a baby in a handknit
It's been a while since I've featured A Baby in Handknits around here. How long has it been? Two days, three days, five? Oh my. That simply won't do! And so today I bring you another recently-off-the-needles project. It's Cassia, a pattern by tiKKi, (available in her Ravelry store). A lovely ...
maya's flute case...
at the beginning of grade 2 at our waldorf school (and in many other waldorf schools, i understand), each child's first handwork project of the year is their flute they begin learning their pentatonic flutes in earnest during this... Continue reading
Posted Feb 29, 2012 at waldorf mama
love ezra's sweater! and oh, that rug - i want to make one of those!
casting off & casting on
Another knit came off the needles this week. A sweater, for Ezra. It's the fisherman pullover, my second go at this sweet pattern (I made one for Harper last year as well). It's Quince & Co's Puffin, in Nasturtium - a color Ezra chose himself. I made most of this quick-to-knit sweater back i...
on the needles this week...
the last couple of weeks i've been pacing myself as i work on a custom order rainbow felted yoga mat bag and matching water bottle carrier! . . . . . . . . . . . . . pattern(s):... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2012 at waldorf mama
which is why i LOVE ravelry so very much! a place to keep and look back on all of those important notes. :)
Back to the knitting. Or unknitting, as the case may be. For sometimes, that's how we must knit - by going backwards. Because sometimes, we're not really paying attention. Sometimes, our notes for one sweater are scattered all over two notebooks, in four different colored pens with far too ma...
saint valentine...
in maya's class this year at our waldorf school (grade 2), the children were encouraged to make valentine's gifts for each of their classmates (30 total). as explained by her class teacher at our parent meeting earlier this year, this... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2012 at waldorf mama
a mini bloom...
or rather a mini mochi bloom, i should say. just finished this little dress to be gifted, so tiny and sweet! . . . . . . . . . . . . . pattern: my personal hybrid version of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2012 at waldorf mama
oh, how i love vests, too! so perfect for those cold days without the bulk. this is such a sweet one, amanda - for your little sweet pea. :)
a vest for annabel
Baby Girl got herself a new wardrobe staple this week. A Pebble vest - a favorite knit of mine - with a pink flair. It's knit with Foxfire Fibre, in (barely) just one skein, leftover from Adelaide's sweater of last year. Annabel has been wearing Harper's old (original) Pebble, but just recen...
oh goodness, amanda - i love how you just jump into anything creative! LOVE that! your new adventure into soap looks so lovely. fun stuff. :)
a kitchen apothecary
Sometime last year, my parents delivered this cabinet to us. (Because they had three.) They might have thought I was going to place my great-grandmother's china on the shelves, and freshly pressed linens below. But then again, they know me, and very well might have guessed that it would be sto...
hers and mine...
this week, maya and i have been knitting together on some fun new projects. i'm working on a quick newborn gift (for a friend's baby, who is due any time now!) - a tiny bloom dress in a sweet pastel... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2012 at waldorf mama
araucania bloom tunic...
this may be my most favorite bloom tunic that i've knit for maya yet! i adore the feel and squishiness of this gorgeous plied yarn (a nice variation from my usual single ply favorite), not to mention the amazing colorways...and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2012 at waldorf mama
knitting details this week...
this week i finished a thorpe earflap hat that i've been working on. maya is modeling it here but it is actually for wesley! as popular as this hat pattern is, it's hard for me to imagine that this is... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2012 at waldorf mama
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