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Wali Bernard
Recent Activity
While many people are disturbed and turned off when they hear about a murder, there are people in Mexico who celebrate. Narco culture or narco cultura is quickly regaining popularity in Mexico. Narco cultura are songs and movies that glorify drug lords and offer a seductive view of a violent lifestyle.Narco culture has roots in pretty much all of the poor cities in Mexico, it started in rural area but now thrives in places where there are people with less money and less education. Narco culture has existed for a while but never to the extent of where it is... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2011 at Global Media News
The Social Media scene in India is growing. With only 60 percent of their 83 mllion users on social networks the potential to grow becomes even stronger. "The rising significance of social media in India is demonstrated by the fact that almost all the conventional media have registered their presence on the social networking websites". The most popular sites are Googles Orkut and to no ones surprise Facebook, they make up 90 percent of all social media users. Facebook just recently took over as the number one social media site as India has one of the fastest growing markets and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at Global Media News
Spam or any type of unwanted online communication has been around forever. While improvements have been made, spam has remained one of the biggest problems faced by web users all over the world. It usually involves a ridiculous amount of emails being sent to numerous recipients without permission. a lot of times the spam emails look a lot like real emails and can easily draw you in, especially when dealing with money and accounts and things like that. this has been a problem for a while and is only getting worse. another issue that has a lot to do with... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2010 at Global Media News
Facebook has slowly taken over. its become about as common as an email address and is used by people of all ages. although the fun kind of went down for me when my parents joined, you cant deny the popularity. not only is facebook used to meet people and to reconnect with old friends but it is also pretty good when it comes to planning events and just the idea of networking in general. with over 500 million users facebook is huge and has the potential to only get bigger. Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2010 at Global Media News
There are many issues that come about when talking about privacy on the internet. Not only do we have to pay attention to everything we do in fear of scams, but we also have to watch out for other people. With the popularity of webcams and the shrinking sizes of digital cameras, people are able to pretty much record or snap pictures of you doing anything without your knowledge. This is a cause for concern. This has created the idea of Sousveillance. Sousveilance or “watching from below” is usually peer to peer and includes a portable camera of some sort.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2010 at Global Media News
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Sep 5, 2010