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Ana Escobar
Recent Activity
I would have to agree with you about how high school students and even junior high students are getting out of hand. Like you mentioned when i graduated there were some students that hung out with the bad crowd but the majority of them werent. I think that the parents have a lot to do with the students actions because they dont enforce for their children to behave properly enough. I understand that sometimes its not all the parents fault but i believe that they should be on top of the actions that their children are doing especially at school. School is supposed to be a place to get an education not to get envolved into a bad crowd that will affect them later in life.
Ana Escobar is now following Joe Hernandez
Apr 27, 2010
Ana Escobar is now following Alex Ramirez
Apr 27, 2010
Ana Escobar is now following Tony Piazza
Apr 20, 2010
Ana Escobar is now following Andrey Kashlev
Apr 20, 2010
Ana Escobar is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 13, 2010